Actually, not in the houses but the palaces, and not of the King of Spain, but in the palaces of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia and of Prince Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, both in that well known centre of corruption that is Marbella. The birding was accidental while Samuel Peregrina was supposed to be working, but given the list, there is a widely voiced suspicion that more birding was done than the work that he was contracted to do.
The list of birds was good with 41 spp. (see what I mean about birding or working?) with no less than 5 spp. of birds of prey including
Hobby and
Common Buzzard, 4 spp. of tits, and a large colony of
House Martins under the eaves. It was while he was watching these that Samu saw
Little Swifts A. affinis entering these, with a maximum seen of 3 birds, which naturally made him think of at least 2 pairs, making an interesting extension of breeding.
Samu's report and spp. list (in Spanish, of course, and not in list order) was published in
avesforum and is reproduced below.
Aguila Calzada, Ratonero Común, Gavilan, Cernicalo Vulgar, Alcotán, Perdiz Roja, Paloma Torcaz, Tortola Común, Arrendajo, Cuervo, Trepador Azul, Reyezuelo Listado, Herrerillo Capuchino, Herrerillo Común, Carbonero Común, Carbonero Garrapinos, Mirlo, Petirrojo, Lavandera Blanca, Lavandera Cascadeña, Vencejo Moro, Golondrina Daurica, Golondrina Común, Avión Común, Avion Roquero, Ruiseñor comun, Curruca Capirotada, Curruca Cabecinegra, Agateador Común, Oropendola, Pico pPicapinos, Pito Real, Papamoscas Gris, Gorrion Común, Estornino Negro, Pinzon Vulgar, Verderon Común, Verdecillo, Jilguero, Escribano Soteño, Chochín