30/05 : Las Norias / Roquetas
Now that I am back from bouncing around the Atlantic to the north of Lanzarote (and you do bounce with 3m / 10 foot seas!) I have some 420 photos to go through - a major task which I have whittled down to 130 on the first cut and shall attack the second cut tomorrow so by the weekend there should be a report. My butt is still sore - hence the expression 'my aching ass!' - and I'm less bruised than some, both humans and cameras!
Therefore I'm delighted for Dave's report of the Arboleas group's visit to fill in the gap and also his news of his son being accepted in to the Royal Marines. I know from experience what it's like and the sighs of relief when the off-sprung get their qualifications and are accepted into a profession, it removes a hell of a weight from ones mind. I wish the boy well in a unit with a long tradition. So now to his report.....
I was kindly chauffeured down towards Las Norias
by Rob and Val, Gilly being busy today. We met up with Colin and
Sandra at a service station for coffee before heading to the lake. A
Turtle Dove was waiting for us on a power line as we arrived on the
first causeway, but it was immediately trumped by a very visible and
vocal Great Reed Warbler in the flooded compound behind the building.
There was very little on the high water. A pair of Black-necked Grebes, a
Little Grebe and some Great Crested Grebes. I managed to catch a
glimpse of a Little Bittern. We had better luck up in the sky with Night
Heron, Squacco Heron and Gull-billed Tern overflying.
I warned Rob that I might shout "Stop" as we
came to the small flooded meadow. Sure enough there were 4 Squacco
Herons feeding close to the road. Having got a few photos we parked up
on the second causeway. The shrubs/reeds to the right had been turned
into the new heronry. Lots of Cattle Egrets on their nests, plus a few
Night Herons as well. In the smaller lake I spotted Common Pochard and a
single Purple Swamphen patrolling the reed edge.
Our intrepid cyclists, Tony & Val are
approaching the Danube river. If you have not seen the previous blogs
(Why not?), they're cycling from The Atlantic to The Black Sea.
My other great news is that my 19 year old son Josh
has been accepted into the Royal Marines. Going to Basic Training in
August. We could not be more proud of him.
23/04 : Vélez Rubio
By the by, for those in the west, the immature Bateleur Eagle was seen again yesterday along with some Griffon Vultures in the La Janda region.
Thankfully the winds had subsided as we headed to
the cafe off junction 6 of the A91 east of Velez Rubio. Here we, Val,
Rob, Gilly and myself, met up with Dave, Myrtle, Colin, Sandra and
Adrian. After coffee we had a wander over the road where we could hear
Golden Oriole. Alas no sightings for Val and Rob who'd never seen one,
but we did put Barn Swallow, Pallid Swift and Rock Sparrow amongst
other commoner birds on the list. We then had a tour round the country
lanes of Adrian's patch, stopping for individual birds on power lines or
suitable stopping points.
In the process we had good views of Woodchat
Shrike, Black Wheatear, Corn and Cirl Buntings and a distant Short-toed Eagle. By this time we'd been joined by Helen. The ultimate stop
before we got to a stream I spotted about 7 Griffon Vultures circling above
the María Mountains. We also heard a common Cuckoo.
At the stream we heard Cetti's and Reed
Warblers in the reeds. The sound of a Golden Oriole tempted Val, Rob and I towards the trees nearby. Eventually a superb male flew off
giving us a short but good view. The vocal Nightingale remained unseen.
Also seen in the area was a Cattle Egret, Little Grebe, Zitting
Cisticola and Greenfinch.

We then made our way towards the dam and
reservoir. On the way we saw a Little Owl, a few Rollers and numerous
Bee-eaters on the power lines. Also seen was a Kestrel, Booted Eagle and Red-rumped Swallow. Val also spotted at least 3 more Golden Orioles as we drove past woodland.
At the dam we saw Crag Martin, a solitary Red-billed Chough and Rock Dove. Colin spotted a Green Woodpecker. On the
water there must have been at least 20 Great Crested Grebes but not a lot
else. A couple of Yellow-legged Gulls and a single Whiskered Tern were add to
the day list.
51 species for the day. A very enjoyable tour. Thank you, Adrian.
The news via Facebook regarding our intrepid
cyclists, Tony and Val, is that they've completed about 900kms and
have seen the back of the Loire river. Wishing them good luck and
better weather.
16/05 : Cabo de Gata & Rambla Morales
Any complaints about Dave's opening comment should be addressed to him, not to me! As usual, the Arboleas group had a good day out. Those who go to Cabo de Gata should keep theirs eyes peeled for any yellow-billed terns, and in particular one wearing a yellow plastic ring and please inform me and I shall pass on the record. This bird was ringed in Valencia some years since and has been seen there again and also there are records of from the Atlantic coast.
It was a lovely sunny day (sorry to you folks in the
UK!), but there was a bit of a stiff breeze to keep the smaller birds
under cover. We met up with Brian, Mary, Colin, Sandra, Rob and Tony
at the Pujaire cafe, before heading to the first hide overlooking the
Cabo de Gata bird reserve. There were numerous Avocets, smaller numbers
of Black-winged Stilts, Curlew Sandpipers, Dunlins and Kentish Plovers. On
the causeway were three Grey Herons with some Slender-billed and Black-headed Gulls. I made a rough count of the Greater Flamingos (250).
Smaller land birds seen included Hoopoe, House Martin and Zitting
We made your way to the second hide, stopping
for a quick sea/beach watch first. After only seeing a Cormorant and
an Iberian Yellow Wagtail we yomped to the hide. Here we added Shelduck,
Little Egret and Little Tern. Colin spotted a pair of Southern Grey
Shrikes on a distant shrub. At the public hide, our next stop, we only
added Black-necked Grebe to the list. However it was nice to see
numerous Little Terns on the islands and that the distant ternary
seemed to be full to capacity with Sandwich Terns and Black.headed

14/05 : Fuente de Piedra and an appeal
A nice morning and she who thinks she rules was cleaning, so getting out seemed to the best and safest option, especially as the wader migration is now well on and there are still some, the highest latitude breeders, still moving through. I was late away and not down there until 10, which was a bit late as it was already starting to warm up nicely until it got downright hot, well over the 30ºC mark by the time I left around 12.30.
The heat and the wind is having a very negative effect on the water levels and there is now no water to the left of the road as one enters and that around the wooden board walk is diminshing rapidly but there are still some waders, although what I saw today may very well bear no relation to what is seen tomorrow.
Today there were some 200+ Flamingos over on the left as there had been less than a hundred last week and Saturday afternoon a flock entered but were very uncertain and restless according to information from Manolo Rendón, director of the reserve and a great chap and friend who has dedicated his career to the place and these birds and to whom the many birders who visit owe much.

There are plenty of Gull-billed Terns around and I estimated well over a hundred in the area just around the board walk as they fed over the fields and came and went on their foraging further afield. They are tremendously elegant birds and their call is a dead giveaway. On the other hand there were some Black-headed Gulls and there are nests, at least 15 as far as Manolo and I could see, on two islands in the lake behind the information centre. A single Collared Pratincole, another very elegant bird and with a flight which makes it hard to believe that it's a wader but which refused to come close and give me a try at a photo as it hawked for insects over the fields.
As for waders, there were 5 or 6 Wood Sandpipers - what a good spring we have had for these, and a single Green Sandpiper. Last Thursday Bob had seen 30+ Curlew Sandpipers, many in full breeding plumage, but today there were about 8, all feeding busily way out of camera range. The 20+ Dunlin, nearly all sporting the sooty black bellies, were feeding with equal enthusiasm, as were the 4 Ringed Plovers and the elusive single Temminck's Stint, now in virtually full breeding plumage but I saw only 2 distant Little Stints.
I wasn't really keeping much of watch for passerines or raptors, although the operatic Great Reed Warbler which featured in an earlier blog was still at it, although invisible in the depths of the reed bed, and a female Yellow Wagtail flew over, as did a pair of rather tatty Black Kites showing good signs of primary and tail moult.
petition/Stop_Spring_Hunting_in_Malta/ then read and sign.
The heat and the wind is having a very negative effect on the water levels and there is now no water to the left of the road as one enters and that around the wooden board walk is diminshing rapidly but there are still some waders, although what I saw today may very well bear no relation to what is seen tomorrow.
Today there were some 200+ Flamingos over on the left as there had been less than a hundred last week and Saturday afternoon a flock entered but were very uncertain and restless according to information from Manolo Rendón, director of the reserve and a great chap and friend who has dedicated his career to the place and these birds and to whom the many birders who visit owe much.
As for waders, there were 5 or 6 Wood Sandpipers - what a good spring we have had for these, and a single Green Sandpiper. Last Thursday Bob had seen 30+ Curlew Sandpipers, many in full breeding plumage, but today there were about 8, all feeding busily way out of camera range. The 20+ Dunlin, nearly all sporting the sooty black bellies, were feeding with equal enthusiasm, as were the 4 Ringed Plovers and the elusive single Temminck's Stint, now in virtually full breeding plumage but I saw only 2 distant Little Stints.
I wasn't really keeping much of watch for passerines or raptors, although the operatic Great Reed Warbler which featured in an earlier blog was still at it, although invisible in the depths of the reed bed, and a female Yellow Wagtail flew over, as did a pair of rather tatty Black Kites showing good signs of primary and tail moult.
Once more an attempt is being made to bring some pressure bear on the weak-kneed, lily-livered Maltese politicians to stop the spring massacre of migrants by their unspeakable hunting inhabitants, in spite of continual international condemnation. Therefore, please copy and paste to this link http://www.avaaz.org/en/
09/05 : the ugliest bird in the world and other things
I know this is all out of synch. with Dave's blog of 10/05 being
published a couple of days since but I had over 160 photos to got
through after last Wednesday's trip down to the area of Vejer de la
Frontera, followed by La Janda and finally Bolonia, then things got tied
up with even more urgent jobs to attend to so now, on Saturday
afternoon of 12/05, I can finally get down to work on this blog. Of
course, you may well have read Bob's entry in his Birding Axarquía blog, but I trust that you will find the time to read this too.
If I tell you that we were down there by 09.00, it'll give you
some idea of the start time and we made very good, if not strictly
legal, time.
So, already ahead of schedule, we had a breakfast at the bar across the road and then headed for La Janda, going down the canal and back, then across the top and down the passably reasonable central track that brings one out near Facinas. We had already seen 4 Honey Buzzards and a single Common Buzzard on the way up towards Vejer and no sooner had we entered La Janda by the northern track than we saw that they have started flooding the fields and turning them into rice paddies and at a reasonable guesstimate there must have been 180+ Glossy Ibises in the flooded fields whilst others were being prepared.
Scanning across the fields to the east produced no harriers at all, much to our surprise, and few Calandra Larks and some distant raptors, a couple of Lesser Kestrels and one or two Black Kites, some of the later ones in a distinctly tatty state as the bird on the right shows, whilst the fields were swarming with Mallards, little green and brown heads sticking up all over the place! A surprise bird along the canal was an immature Cormorant and a couple of Little Grebes were also enjoying the waters depths and a single Spoonbill feeding along one of the side drains was rather out of place.
However, stopping further along the road to eat meant that the action started as it always does when one wants to eat. A few more Black Kites, a few Griffon Vultures and some Honey Buzzards, an immature Bonelli's Eagle, a couple of Booted Eagles and a Woodchat Shrike to add to the list before we set off down the central track in the direction of Facinas, but not before warning Bob that if it got impassable we would have to turn and go back.
How Stephen Daly gets such brilliant shots is beyond my understanding.
Bob reckoned about 50 spp. for the day and he's usually about right, but what mattered was the quality of what we had seen and the passage of the Honey Buzzards. A great day's birding!
10/05 : río Almanzora & Palomares
This is a Thursday evening blog from Dave, and mine from Wednesday is still in the process of having its 160+ photos sorted, although Bob has put his on-line in birding Axarquía, so the chronology will be out of sync. Mine will be out tonight, if all goes well (does it ever?).
News is that the imm. Bateleur Eagle that was seen to enter from Africa some three weeks since is still in the Tarifa regions, it being seen over Tarifa on 08/05. There have been some very heavy entries of Honey Buzzards these past 10 days and they are still pouring in although my friend Ron from Scarborough tells me that the first female appeared in the area he weatches some 10 days since. When they move, they move!
There are no photos in this blog.
Having spent a very expensive few days in the UK
seeing the kids and grandkids (best birds being a pair of
Bullfinches), I decided to do an evening visit to the Rio Almanzora
followed by a check on the state of the Red-necked Nightjar site at
Palomares beach.
Colin, Sandra, Val, Rob, Gilly and I met up
at the "ford" beach side of the Desalination plant and wandered along
the embankment overlooking the rambla. It being 8pm the sun was in our
eyes, but we did manage to see Little Ringed Plover and Black-winged
Stilt. Small birds included Goldfinch, Serin and Greenfinch. Also seen
were Pallid Swift, Barn and Red-rumped Swallow and House Martin. A
pair of Great Spotted Cuckoos noisily flew round us. A Nightingale made
fleeting appearances. A Spotted Flycatcher gave us good views. A Common
Sandpiper was seen down the gully. On the water deposit was a small
flock of Pochard and Mallard. On the water beyond the "weir" was a
Greenshank. On the way back Gilly spotted a flight of 8 Turtle Doves.
We then headed to Palomares. The village is
famous because in the mid sixties, after a mid air collision during
refuelling, the US Air force mislaid three atomic bombs. We parked up
next to the beach at the rear of the Repsol garage. There was a large
compound of pipework & a large digger which suggested a lot of
disturbance in the area. A pack of 4 stray dogs patrolling the scrubland
where the Red-necked Nightjars roosted couldn't help either. We were
well covered to protect us from midges and mosquitoes. As dusk passed a
pair of Stone Curlews flew in, landing within view. Gilly and I both
heard a distant Red-necked Nightjar call. About 5 minutes later we were
lucky enough to see one flying above the horizon between the garage and the copse of pine trees. Everyone saw it. Any view of a nightjar
is a good one! 28 species for the evening.
02/05 : Sierra María
Another report from Dave & Co. from one of their favourite birding spots - rightly so given the species they see, the Sierra María. I have the same problems with the autfocus when there are lots of leaves, twigs and so on, Dave, as when I took the photos of the Great Reed Warbler at Fuente de Piedra recently.
Gilly and I met up with Brian, Mary, Adrian and Helen at the Repsol Cafe in Maria. Brian and Mary had already
seen a Golden Oriole on the way up. Woodchat Shrike was our best
offering. We headed down towards the plains, stopping first at the
ruins. Here we saw Crossbills near the water deposit. Heard at least 3
Hoopoes. We spotted a Black Redstart before I spotted a pair of Ravens
being harassed by a lone Carrion Crow. We next stopped at the water
troughs further along. There was a gathering of Rock Sparrows and some
Corn Buntings.
We then retreated to the La Piza recreation
area. On arrival I made haste to the loo. Upon my return everybody was
glued to one of the trees. Gilly has a knack of finding Hawfinch .... and
there were three of them! Took many photos, but only one was
reasonable....bloody autofocus zoomed in on leaves, branches, twigs etc!
Also had Short-toed Treecreeper and Griffon Vultures there.
After a coffee we headed to the Botanical
Garden. Our warbler count was much better than my previous visit even
though we only did the lower walk. We saw Subalpine, Melodious and
Bonelli's Warbler this time......only Western Orphean to complete the
usual María summer visitors! Also added to the list were Crested Tit and Linnet.
39 species for the day.
01/05 : Fuente de Piedra
Actually, I had three reasons for going, the first being to see if there was any extra water which would help prolong wader migration (there was some so it will), which in turn mean that there would be still be waders (there were) and to try and get some photos of Great Reed Warbler (which I did, as you can see below).
Flyovers included a single Purple Heron and a slew of Gull-billed Terns, a single Collared Pratincole, plus a surprise in the form of 2 Slender-billed Gulls. Also flying over were plenty of Barn Swallows and House Martins, plus a couple of Red-rumped Swallows and lots of Common Swifts.
The left hand shot shows the normal sort of view before they dive in to the depths of the reed bed. However, thanks to the marvels of digital photography, shots like the right hand one enable us to see the orange mouth while the little chap practises for what must obviously be a Wagnerian role.
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