Dave still hasn't got his telephoto lens back and the only photo that will reproduce reasonably is the group one. Sorry, Dave, but that's the way that it goes but I hope that you manage to get a shot of the Eagle Owl with your repaired lens..
26/06 : Las Norias & Roquetas
Hey-ho, Midsummer's Day, Night and Dream have passed and it still isn't particularly summery. So has la Noche de San Juan where the more paganistic amongst you will have run barefoot in the morning dew, rolled in it and done God know what else. You may even have been to a beach party, skinny dipped at midnight (the mind boggles) or jumped over flames in an act of purification. Forget being purified if that's what you've got to do! Never mind, it's all down hill towards Christmas now! I think I'll just carry on birding and so did Dave and those of the Arboleas group.
Dave still hasn't got his telephoto lens back and the only photo that will reproduce reasonably is the group one. Sorry, Dave, but that's the way that it goes but I hope that you manage to get a shot of the Eagle Owl with your repaired lens..
There were seven of us who met at the service
station for coffee before heading to Las Norias. The road was partially
blocked by roadwork barriers on to the first causeway, but we could see
the work site was further down in the greenhouse area, so we passed
through and parked in our usual place. The new water pumps had
obviously been working overtime as the water level was at least 2 metres
below what it had been. On the left hand lake there must have been at
least 20 Great Crested Grebes and not much else. A Mallard, some
juvenile Red-crested Pochards and a Little Grebe were seen. Above the
water there were a few Little Terns and a Common Tern made a fleeting
visit. I spotted a distant Little Ringed Plover and Gilly was first to
spot the adult Night Heron flying over. There were no additional
species on the right hand lake. We all descended on the now empty pool
behind the new pump house. We heard and saw both Great Reed Warbler and Reed Warbler.
Dave still hasn't got his telephoto lens back and the only photo that will reproduce reasonably is the group one. Sorry, Dave, but that's the way that it goes but I hope that you manage to get a shot of the Eagle Owl with your repaired lens..
We then convoyed round to the second causeway,
There was no water in the meadow, but we did see a Hoopoe there. We
added Turtle Dove and a single Collared Pratincole before we walked down
to the new heronry. Lots of Cattle Egrets, a few Little Egrets, Squacco
Herons, Night Herons and a couple of Grey Herons was our reward. Also
seen were Jackdaws and Bee-eaters and another two Hoopoes on the power
After a coffee break on our way to Roquetas we
headed down towards the lake. There had been a recent fire destroying
hundreds of square metres of reeds opposite the garden centre. It was
obviously not a controlled burning as it had taken down telegraph poles and power lines. As we parked up in our usual place near the hotels a
flight of Gull-billed Terns flew over. Gilly also spotted a Roller.
There was a large raft of Coots and a small group of mostly juvenile
Yellow-legged Gulls. Also seen were White-headed Ducks and Common
Pochards. Gilly and I spotted a Red-rumped Swallow. We then walked up
to the Red-knobbed Coot pool and yet again there was no sign of them, but
we were rewarded with two long, visible flights of Little Bitterns. A
steady stream of Audouin's Gulls flew over.
"Only" 38 species for the day, but very
enjoyable...........meanwhile near Adrian's house close to Velez Rubio,
guess what he's been seeing on a regular basis. Yes, an Eagle Owl, lucky
blighter. My lens is en route home so, if the owl's still around this
Sunday I may venture up there!
21/06 : La Janda
Cattle Egret |
juvenile Cattle Egrets |
Once across the bridge on the long stretch towards the finca de Enmedio (Smelly Farm), there were lots and lots (a good quantitative analysis) of Cattle Egrets breeding again and hordes of young. There too I came upon at least 3 pairs of Glossy Ibis, although I am sure that Stephen Daly will tell me that actually there are at least 30! Along this stretch and over and past the farm I was pleasantly surprised by the numbers of the delicate Turtle Doves, the proper ones, not those brash interlopers, plus the bigger Wood Pigeons.
moulting 2nd year Booted Eagle |
moulting 2CY Bonelli's Eagle |
very prickly purple thistle |
equally prickly yellow thistle |
We are now into the thistle season and although I don't tend to put in photos of vegetation here, especially for all you braw wee laddies from north of the Border from Sassenachland, are photos of two of the best examples. The sharp-eyed amongst you will notice that I haven't got a clue as to what sort of thistles they are, so they've been rebaptised, although I doubt any sort of international acceptation of the names!
And that really was about it for the day with a total of no less than 44 species, rather surprising after the inauspicious start.
19/06 : Embalse de Negratín
As Dave is still without telephoto lens, there has been a move to photographing the close and immovable, as you will see. Still, only 250 euros as against a total replacement is some sort of relief. Isn't it nice to meet a coach load of kids when one is looking forward to a nice, quiet day watching wildlife? Makes one wonder why yiou didn't put the .50 calibre machine gun in the trunk of the car before you set off or if someone up there has it in for you. By the way, to me it looks as though the Oriole nest is made from plastic strips.
Carolyn Perkins suggested some time ago that it
would be nice to visit the Embalse de Negratin whilst the cherry trees
were being harvested. Unfortunately she is in the UK when we visited
today. Gilly and I weren't to confident of a good day especially as we
were rained on as we approached Baza from the south. We met up with
Trevor, Ann, their holidaying friend, Jackie, Brian and Mary at the
cafe just prior to the dam.
We drove down to the valley below and parked
up at the junction. The road towards the brook, bridge and dam pool
was closed for vehicles. We attempted to see the birds singing in the
fully leaved trees. Eventually we spotted Chaffinch, Sardinian Warbler,
young Great Tit and Serin. Keeping an eye above us on the numerous
House Martins, I suddenly spotted an Alpine Swift. A bit later we saw a
group of 3-4 which may suggest they were nesting close by. We could hear
Golden Oriole and Nightingale. A Spotted Flycatcher was also seen.
Mary spotted a "big bird" but it disappeared over the hill before it
could be seen by others and identified. It was probably the Griffon
Vulture we saw later. As we reached the bridge there was more security
tape across the road and we could see more the far side of the
overhanging cliff. A large boulder, the size of a Fiat 500, had fallen
close to the road from the cliff. We decided we'd be safe on the bridge
but not under the overhang! We added Rock Dove, amazed some were
surviving with a pair of Peregrines possibly nesting above them. Also
seen was a Black Redstart and a probable Short-toed Eagle. Looking down
into the reeds I saw a Cetti's Warbler chasing a Reed Warbler. Brian and Mary also saw a pair Reed Buntings.
embalse de Negratín |
After a quick coffee we made our way to the car
park before the dam. A coach load of school kids had just arrived. They
made their way onto the dam itself whilst we hung around the vehicles.
Gilly and I had already seen Black Wheatear and Bee-eater. We added
White Wagtail, Goldfinch, Turtle Dove and an overflying Grey Heron and
Common Swifts. As the kids returned we ventured out on to the dam
roadway. As usual there was very little on the water. It was as flat as a
mill pond. After much searching I spotted two Yellow-legged Gulls! A
scope search of the cliff face and peaks I spotted another Black
Wheatear and a pair of Blue Rock Thrushes. Brian and I were in the
process of reminding Mary of her mistaking a water sprinkler head for a
sitting Peregrine Falcon a few years ago when what should appear above
the cliff face but a pair of the blighters, mobbing a Raven!
Golden Oriole nest |
We returned to the cars and headed for the
Cherry Orchards, seeing a Kestrel and Booted Eagle on the way.
Cherries were purchased straight after picking....delicious, Carolyn! At
lunch we had our count up. 32 species for the day and the weather god was kind to us.
Attached is a photo I took of a Golden Oriole's nest, close to Brian and Mary's house near Chirivel. It was 5 metres from a track, only 2.5
metres off the ground. It contained two visible chicks. Taken from
truck in the same amount of time it would take an F1 pit crew to change 4
tyres....5 sec, shoot and go. And yes, it appears to be made from
plastic? Or is it strips of translucent silver birch bark?
The news on my lens is that they are replacing the "Optical Control System Diaphragm". €250 is better than a new lens!
17/06 : the Campillos lakes
As promised at the end of my last blog, this last Monday Federico and myself went for a look around the lakes to the south of Campillos, not just the well known laguna Dulce, although that is where we started. I haven't been to the others for many years, largely because I've always been too short of time but now that excuse has gone after the death of my old spaniel, we started early and arrived back in Torremolinos much later than normal. So, lake by lake, here is the account of our long morning which started with a hot sun but clouding over very ominously later and wind which was just a mite too strong for our liking. Reference to site MA2 (page 182 et seq.) in that well known 'how to get lost and still enjoy birding' masterpiece Where to watch birds in southern and western Spain may help if you possess a copy.
Laguna Dulce: We started here at 098.00, the same old place with plenty of wavelets sufficient to hide the ducks and small grebes at times. There were 3 species of grebes Great Crested, Black-necked and Little, plus Moorhen and Coot. We found no Red-knobbed Coots but the common have been most prolific and Federico found one with a black neck collar with white letters, which was duly read and reported to Manolo Rendón. There weren't many ducks in sight, most were hiding in the reeds, but a pair of Teal flighted in - rather a surprise at this date - and hid amongst the Flamingos feeding way over on the right (looking from the hide) and a single Whiskered Tern battled against the westerly wind of which the over-flying Gull-billed made light work. We reckoned that there were at least 4 Lapwings.
Our next stop meant going into Campillos and working our way through the town to the A-468 road which leads to all of the lakes. Lakes are not given in order of visit but in order along the road southeastwards.
Laguna Salada: This is just over 1 km out of the town on the left hand side. Park in the open space where there is a track which leads over the rise but beware. This can get very soft after rain and although I have never been caught in the clag, I know that others have and it was once a damned close run thing for myself. The track up to the top of the rise which overlooks the laguna can get very muddy and in winter you may end up with 10 kg feet. This is a big lake and, like the Dulce and the others, a 'scope is necessary. There wasn't a lot to be expected there and we weren't disappointed - Pochard, Mallard, White-headed Ducks, hundreds of Coots which have obviously enjoyed a good breeding year and more Flamingos and Gull-billed Terns, a few Stilts and Little Ringed Plovers. This site is much more worthwhile in the winter and at times there is flood water on the southwest side of the road and will repay a look. We shall be including it in our future itineraries. The best part birds here were undoubtedly some 2 or 3 Alpine Swifts seen very well as they flashed through amongst their commoner cousins.
Laguna Redonda: About a km. further along the road, the last time I stopped here, about a decade since, it was a rubbish tip where a pair or so of Stilts rummaged amongst a dead refrigerator and sundry garbage in ghastly stagnant water. It has been cleaned out and enlarged and there is ample off-road parking and hide! Birds seen there included a Black-headed Gull, over-flying Gull-billed Terns, a pair of Little Ringed Plovers, a pair of Pochards with 6 ducklings and more White-headed Ducks. So, next stop ....
Laguna Capacete: This is best seen as soon as one has gone over the railway bridge. Park carefully and 'scope the right hand area. This is the best area of the lake for migrant waders but we had Kentish and Little Ringed Plovers, the expected Black-winged Stilts and at least 2 pairs of Great Crested Grebes - these with 2 and 4 chicks respectively - and at least 2 pairs of Black-necked Grebes. A hundred metres or so further along off the bridge there is the entrance to a farm site where one can pull in. Big trucks use this and in the past we have had run-ins with stroppy drivers, so be warned! From there on to the final stop ....
Laguna del Toro: This lake is right by the road and one scarcely needs to get out of the car. We saw at least 25 Gull-billed Terns feeding over the lake and 2 Black-headed Gulls. Here too we found a pair of Black-necked Grebes with 3 chicks and a single Lapwing, Little Ringed Plover and hordes of Coots.
From there, having time in hand, we hied ourselves off to Fuente de Piedra under clouding skies, stopping to look down on the colony from the west end and also from Cantarranas in the forlorn hope of picking out a Lesser Flamingo, there being a pair nesting there in amongst some 3.000 Greaters. The colony is split into some 6 or 7 units this year because of the high water levels. We were joined by a single, raucous Raven but it didn't help us at all. Thbis has been a record breeding year for the Flamingos with some 20.000 pairs (yes, 20.000) and 15.000 chicks (give or take a few hundred either way), the only possible problem for the chicks being that there is too much water when they come to form the nursery (crêche, guardería) groups.
All in all, a very good morning's birding and we shall be doing the same route again come migration and winter.
And to finish, a story about a Lesser Flamingo from Kenya. reported this week in a mail from Colin Jackson :
The Ringing Scheme of East Africa has just received news of a Lesser Flamingo that was found freshly dead at Lake Baringo on 13th February this year with a ring. The incredible thing about it is that the ring was a BTO ring (British Trust for Ornithology) that was one of those rings used on a batch of several thousand Lesser Flamingo chicks that bred at at Lake Magadi in....1962!! This bird was in fact ringed by none other than the very well-known Leslie Brown on 1st November 1962 making it 50 years, 3 months and 25 days old!
It must surely be the oldest recorded Lesser Flamingo and quite stunning that it lived for so long. A few years ago there was one recovered also at Magadi that was about 45 years old - there may be one or two more out there with rings from that time! If anyone receives this who knows more about that ringing event of Lesser Flamingo chicks in 1962 - or was perhaps even there and took part, it would be really interesting to know the full story. I believe many of the chicks had got 'anklets' of encrusted soda formed around their legs which were acting as a 'ball and chain' and were killing the birds. Rescuers were breaking the balls of encrusted soda off and putting rings on thus saving the lives of many flamingos - some to live to over 50 years later! The person who found the flamingo is Nick Armour of Swavesey, England, to whom we are indebted for reporting the ring. The distance from ringing site to recovery site is 242kms.
I actually remember the event and seeing film (what a memory!), presumably on the news or in some wildlife programme on the BBC, of what is said about the chicks being caught with soda anklets and thus prevented from moving, as is reported, plus the fact that many hundreds, if not thousands, were saved by volunteers carefully cracking off the sodium and thus releasing the chicks from a slow death.
Our next stop meant going into Campillos and working our way through the town to the A-468 road which leads to all of the lakes. Lakes are not given in order of visit but in order along the road southeastwards.
Laguna Redonda: About a km. further along the road, the last time I stopped here, about a decade since, it was a rubbish tip where a pair or so of Stilts rummaged amongst a dead refrigerator and sundry garbage in ghastly stagnant water. It has been cleaned out and enlarged and there is ample off-road parking and hide! Birds seen there included a Black-headed Gull, over-flying Gull-billed Terns, a pair of Little Ringed Plovers, a pair of Pochards with 6 ducklings and more White-headed Ducks. So, next stop ....
Laguna del Toro: This lake is right by the road and one scarcely needs to get out of the car. We saw at least 25 Gull-billed Terns feeding over the lake and 2 Black-headed Gulls. Here too we found a pair of Black-necked Grebes with 3 chicks and a single Lapwing, Little Ringed Plover and hordes of Coots.
From there, having time in hand, we hied ourselves off to Fuente de Piedra under clouding skies, stopping to look down on the colony from the west end and also from Cantarranas in the forlorn hope of picking out a Lesser Flamingo, there being a pair nesting there in amongst some 3.000 Greaters. The colony is split into some 6 or 7 units this year because of the high water levels. We were joined by a single, raucous Raven but it didn't help us at all. Thbis has been a record breeding year for the Flamingos with some 20.000 pairs (yes, 20.000) and 15.000 chicks (give or take a few hundred either way), the only possible problem for the chicks being that there is too much water when they come to form the nursery (crêche, guardería) groups.
And to finish, a story about a Lesser Flamingo from Kenya. reported this week in a mail from Colin Jackson :
The Ringing Scheme of East Africa has just received news of a Lesser Flamingo that was found freshly dead at Lake Baringo on 13th February this year with a ring. The incredible thing about it is that the ring was a BTO ring (British Trust for Ornithology) that was one of those rings used on a batch of several thousand Lesser Flamingo chicks that bred at at Lake Magadi in....1962!! This bird was in fact ringed by none other than the very well-known Leslie Brown on 1st November 1962 making it 50 years, 3 months and 25 days old!
It must surely be the oldest recorded Lesser Flamingo and quite stunning that it lived for so long. A few years ago there was one recovered also at Magadi that was about 45 years old - there may be one or two more out there with rings from that time! If anyone receives this who knows more about that ringing event of Lesser Flamingo chicks in 1962 - or was perhaps even there and took part, it would be really interesting to know the full story. I believe many of the chicks had got 'anklets' of encrusted soda formed around their legs which were acting as a 'ball and chain' and were killing the birds. Rescuers were breaking the balls of encrusted soda off and putting rings on thus saving the lives of many flamingos - some to live to over 50 years later! The person who found the flamingo is Nick Armour of Swavesey, England, to whom we are indebted for reporting the ring. The distance from ringing site to recovery site is 242kms.
I actually remember the event and seeing film (what a memory!), presumably on the news or in some wildlife programme on the BBC, of what is said about the chicks being caught with soda anklets and thus prevented from moving, as is reported, plus the fact that many hundreds, if not thousands, were saved by volunteers carefully cracking off the sodium and thus releasing the chicks from a slow death.
14/06 : Guadalhorce in the sun
Also on the Escondida was perhaps the other good record of the day, a female Red-crested Pochard with 7 chicks of some 3.4 days old. Nice and the first time that I vere seen one breeding there, although one did at one of the 'no entry' ponds some three years since. There too we saw a female Black-headed Weaver stripping reed heads for nesting material and a couple of Reed Warblers were still singing. A male Little Bittern flew lazily across from one side to the other, disappearing quiuckly in to the reeds but its slowness allowed half way decent views..
I didn't log everything à la Bob, butd can safely say that there was not a lot for efforts, not that we had expected much in this slack period.
We shall see what we can find tomorow.
12/06 : Cabo de Gata & Rambla de Morales
Before letting you loose on Dave's account of Cabo de Gata and Morales, some of you might remember that earlier in the year the Spanish Ornithological Society (SEO) asked me to conduct a bit of market research about the possibility of magazine of some sort for English readers. First, thanks to all who did reply with comments/ideas, which were looked at carefully at a meeting I had with the powers in Madrid back in March. Planning is now under way following the lines of your ideas, material is being gathered together for an edition zero and I hope that within another month I will be able to give you a lot more details. So, the idea is not just sitting on a shelf gathering dust.
On the birding front, we are now in to the slack season when birds are generally busy rearing young (those of you are parents will know how debilitating that is!), recovering from having done so and will soon be starting moulting in some cases. As Dave notes, roll on migration but that is, at its earliest, at least 4-5 weeks away before the first birds start coming back down.
That doesn't stop rarities turning up, such as the Grey-headed Gull in the Albufera de Valencia earlier this week, so keep eyes open for anything odd. Mind you, with the beaches being inhabited by things other than birds now the weather is warming up, there are some very odd things to see!
The sea was almost calm which made it easy for
us to see there was no birdlife out there! We wandered over to the
second hide, feeling the heat as we did so. Gilly counted 266 Greater
Flamingos. Kevin spotted Little Ringed Plover on the weed rafts. Some
Slender-billed Gulls were also seen.
Upon our return a small flock of Slender-billed
Gulls flew in. We then saw two new bits of bird behaviour. First a Bee-eater flew low over the water and had a quick dunk. Did it a few times.
Then a small flock of Gull-billed Terns arrived. One, with a fish in
its bill, flew low over the water like a skimmer, presumably washing its
lunch before devouring.
We ended up with 42 species for the day. Not bad, but roll on migration time!
Dave & Gilly's Moroccan Adventure, 13-30 May 2013
As I had dropped Dave an unsubtle hint about a note on their annual trip down in to Morocco, Dave bit the bullet and has come up with below, bless his little cotton socks. Just in case you wonder about the lower than normal photographic standard, the auto-focus on his lens packed up, but owt is better is better than nowt (as they say in dark satanic mill country). Thanks, Dave!
Gilly and I embarked on our now annual trip to
Morocco by taking the Balearia ferry from Algerciras to Tanger Med port
which is about 60km east of the town and old port which takes ferries
from Tarifa.
Common Bulbul |
After sorting out our entry forms on the boat we did
a bit of birding as we came into the harbour. We spotted Cory's
Shearwater and Gannet to get our list off the ground. Apart from
birdwatching we were also delivering 17 binbags full of clothing to our
adopted "suburb" of Imlil, a trekking village up in the High Atlas
Mountains. Moroccan Customs asked us to unload. Having extracted about
half of the cargo the supervisor came over and asked, "Have you any
guns?" (If I had, did he think I'd admit it?) " Have you a motorbike?"
Seriously? As we had neither he let us through.
We made our way to Larache where, just prior to
the town is the Oued Loukkos Marsh. A passable road leads you beside
the tidal river and then through wetlands and reedbeds. The
highlights here were flocks of Red-knobbed Coots, 15-20 Spoonbills,
numerous Squacco Herons, Red-crested Pochards, Purple Herons, Collared
Pratincoles, Stone Curlews, Marbled Ducks and large numbers of Marsh
Harriers. We also picked up Nightingale and Golden Oriole. A bonus was a
Montagu's Harrier. We then made our way into town where, in the
circular main square, we had Little Swifts above us. We stayed in a
cheapo hotel where I had been before. €20 for the night. I don't know
what they charged the couple in the room next to us who only stayed an
Eleonora's Falcon |
The next day we had the long drive down to El
Jadida, passing Casablanca and Rabat. On the way we made a brief stop
at Moully Bousselham, just north of the Merdja Zerga where the probably
extinct Slender-billed Curlews were prone to overwinter. Here we added
Oystercatcher, Turtle Dove and a very obliging one-eyed Little Owl to
the list. Arriving at our destination in good time, we headed further
south to a salina area. Here we addded Little Tern, Whimbrel, Bar-tailed
Godwit and Curlew Sandpiper before returning to the hotel.
Todays destination was Agadir. On the way
down we stopped at Essaouira estuary where Eleanora's Falcons were
constantly overhead. The other birds of note here are Brown-necked
Martins at their nest site. We stopped in the Tamri area but failed to
see the resident Bald Ibises.
Cream-coloured Courser |
We had an early start to meet Lahcen, our guide for the day around the Sous Massa bird reserve. I'd failed to see Black-crowned Tchagra last time,
but Lahcen got a pair of them within half an hour. In the shrubs we had
Spotted and Pied Flycatcher, Moussier's Redstart and numerous
Olivaceous Warblers. A Wood Warbler was a great bonus as was a Black
Tern. We then went to search for Cream-coloured Coursers. We first got
some Stone Curlews but soon had what we were looking for. It was at this
point my lens's autofocus gave up the ghost, a big dampener on the
holiday. Also seen with our guide were Little Bittern, Palm Dove, Cirl
Bunting and Western Orphean Warbler. Gilly hadn't seen Mongoose, so
Lahcen bought some sardines and placed them on a riverbank close to lots
of shrubs. We made our way to the opposite bank and waited. Sure enough
after about half an hour a mongoose appeared. As arranged he took us
back to his house where his italian wife had prepared a fish tagine
followed by spaghetti bolognaise.
Palm Dove |
Not wanting to haul all the clothes into the
Sahara and back again, we cut across country heading up the Atlas
Mountains to Imlil. Not done this route before. Road very narrow in
places and I won't be doing it in winter! On route to the village we
saw Woodlark, Blue Rock Thrush, Black Wheatear, Grey Wagtail and Rock
Bunting. The truck was unloaded to its and our relief. Our contact and host offered us lunch so we opted for a cheese omelette. When it
arrived it had cut up cheese triangles in it! Eatable but I'll go for a
plain omelette next time. In the woods surrounding the village we had
North African subspecies of Chaffinch and Blue Tit as well as flocks of Red-billed
Chough above us and Levaillant's Green Woodpecker in the walnut trees.
We headed for Marrakech for a couple of nights.
Alpine/Yellow-billed Chough |
We woke up to grey skies and rain....not what
was expected. We were going up to the Oukaimeden Ski Resort some 65km
up in the Atlas Mountains. We drove through the clouds and just as we
reached the resort we climbed into blue skies and sunshine. There was
very little snow so the Horned Larks and Crimson-winged Finches were
nowhere to be seen, but we did see Mistle Thrush, Black Redstart, Rock
Sparrow, Alpine Chough and Seebohm's Wheatear.
It was off towards the Sahara today. Drove over
the High Atlas Mountains, seeing our first Griffon Vulture in Morocco,
plus an obliging Woodchat Shrike as we had a cafe au lait. As we got
down onto the plain the otherside we started to see the desert birds.
The very common White-crowned Wheatear, the rare Mourning Wheatear and
Trumpeter Finches. We also saw our first Desert Lark of the trip. We
reached our destination of Ouarzazate. Slightly beyond it is a large
barrage, reservoir, where hundreds of Ruddy Shelducks were in residence.
Also saw Avocets and Sanderlings and our first Rufus Bushchat.
Long-legged Buzzard |
Travelling further into desert conditions we
stopped at the infamous rubbish tip just outside Boumalne. Gilly almost
immediately got her first Thick-billed Lark amongst the detritus. We
also had Red-rumped Wheatear, Long-legged Buzzard, Desert Wheatear, and Temminck's Horned Lark. We carried on towards Efoud picking up
sightings of Bar-tailed Lark and Hoopoe Lark. As we pulled in to the
Riad hotel Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters were flying above us.
We were up early the next day. We were picked
up by our two guides and another man who hopefully knew where Houbara
Bustards were. He was an out of work Houbara Bustard security guard
employed by the Saudi's to protect their illegal supply so they can ship
the birds back to their country for falcon prey. As they only paid him
from September to April he was supplementing his wages with a bit of
freelancing. All I'm allowed to say is we travelled north from Efoud for
some kilometres, then took a track to the left which eventually petered
out into rough ground and with low lying shrubs and grasses. After
about an hours searching Gilly eventually spotted one. In the end we saw
3-4, one flying. Our 5 year search was over!
We dropped off our guard and
went south towards the big dunes. We added Brown-necked Raven and
Desert Sparrow before making for the Merzuga lake where we saw more Ruddy
Shelducks and Greater Flamingos. In the evening we went to a great
little spot just outside town, pointed out to us by one of the guides
where we would've had superb photos of Rufous Bushchats and Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters had the lens been fu....nctional (Grrrrrrgh!)
find the Pharoah Eagle Owl! |
Moussier's Redstart |
We were out with another guide called Lahcen in
the Rissani area the next day. He took us to the Pharaoh Eagle Owl site
and soon found the bird in a hole high up on the cliff face. Next it
was to the Lanner Falcon site where we saw both an adult and juvenile
flying. He then took us to a sandgrouse area. We observed a small group
of Spotted Sandgrouse, a first for both of us. We then spent ages
trying to find Fulvous Babblers but failed. You can't win them all!
The next day we failed to anything new to the
list. Going back towards the mountains we scraped a Stock Dove and a
pair of Barbary Partridges. Back at Imlil I was determined to add to my
woodland bird list so drove into the pine forest above the village. With
the help of my phone I managed to attract Short-toed Treecreeper and
Coal Tit. Later we logged Crossbill, Short-toed Eagle and Great
Spotted Woodpecker as well.
The next few days were spent travelling back to
Marrakech and then Casablanca. On the penultimate day we stopped off at
the Larache marsh. It turned up trumps again with sightings of Great
Reed Warbler, Glossy Ibis and Purple Swamphen.
149 species for the trip. Good birding and mostly good friendly people.
05/06 : Rambla de Almanzora & Vera
How's about letting us all have a bit on your Moroccan adventure, Dave?
Gilly and I got back from our Moroccan adventure
last Thursday and are still tired. Gilly still has an upset tummy! So
we decided we didn't want to travel too far and selected a visit to
our very local Rambla de Almanzora and the Vera pools. Apologies for
no photographs. As you might have heard my telephoto lens's autofocus
went up the shoot (no pun intended!). It is now in the A&E at Sigma
Photo in Barcelona. Anyway back to today.......
There were 10 of us
members who met up at the usual "ford" overlooking the rambla. The sun
was shining, but a bit of a breeze. There was a fair bit of standing
water on the far side, but we could only see a few Black-winged Stilts.
There appeared to be smaller long yellow legged waders as well, but they
turned out to be young Stilts! Also seen, but before the others had
arrived, were Southern Grey Shrike, Kestrel and Magpie. Above were
Barn Swallows, House Martins & Pallid Swifts.
We slowly wandered up the path/cycle way hearing
Cetti's Warbler and Nightingale in the shrubs to our right. Back on
the Rambla we finally spotted some Little Ringed Plovers and Mallard. A
pair of Turtle Doves zipped passed fast and low. The sewage deposito
was very smelly and attracted no birds or any inclination to hang around!
Some more Little Ringed Plovers were near the man-made weir. On the way
back to the vehicles we added Little Egret, Hoopoe and Red-rumped
During our coffee break in Villaricos we told
the group about our delivery of 19 binbags full of clothing for the poor
of Ait Souka, a "suburb" of Imlil in the High Atlas Mountains. The
community had managed, with help, to build a small nursery school for
4-6 yr olds. They needed about €150 to buy a log burner. It was decided
we'd donate one euro per person each birding trip to help them towards
their goal. Thank you all.
We then headed to the beach. The wind had
picked up and breakers were crashing over the rocks near the little
harbour. There was a small group of Audouin's Gulls on the now flat area
behind where we parked up. We walked along towards the estuary seeing
only a pair of Whimbrel on the low rocks. There was very little at the
estuary. Eventually, through minor heat haze, we spotted Kentish Plovers
which were joined by about half a dozen Turnstones.
It was then off to the pools at Vera. We first
parked up on the dual carriageway (in laybys) overlooking them. There
were numerous Bee-eaters hunting above the shrubs. On the water were
Mallard, but predominantly Coot. There was the odd Yellow Wagtail. I
then spotted a Squacco Heron on the far side. It gave good views. Not so
the Little Bittern I saw for a split second before it disappeared
behind a small island. As we made our way back towards the main road,
stopping at various points, we added Little Grebe, Common Pochard, White-headed Duck and a couple of Shovelers. Oh, and possibly a pair of Booted
Eagles seen disappearing over the hill ridge and a pair of Great Tits as well.
The view over the good little pond opposite the Consum Supermarket is severely obstructed by rising reeds. We did see more White-headed Ducks, one pair with young. Reed Warblers were heard. Gilly spotted another disappearing Little Bittern.
A total of 43 species seen. Good to be back.
'Viaje a Las Rapaces'
The eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed that this blog title is in Spanish, 'Viaje a Las Rapaces', which you could loosely translate as 'journey to the the raptors' and is an announcement of a book project. It is a project which, if you are feeling rich, will allow you to become a patron of the arts, in this case a mixture of art and literature and take part. Being a patron of the arts, usually painting or music (discount the court jester, the little guy with vertical attainment problems and a hat with bells on it like Noddy), is a very old tradition. Then, and in a few case now, a very rich person, often royal or with aspirations, who had gained his riches by screwing every possible penny, ducat or whatever out of the oppressed peasants who lived in abject poverty and provided the occasional virgin for the lord's Saturday night amusement, salved his conscience by funding some starving musician (eg. Mozart) or artist (anyone you care to think of except Picasso) with his financial patronage, thus allowing them to escape the garrett lit by a single oily lamp. The rich s.o.b., now a patron of the arts, thus became a nearly acceptable person (even the Borgias). Now I am not insinuating that you, dear readers, belong in that category as I at least am in the 21st century (parts are at any rate, others got left behind in the rush).
The modern form of patronage is, I have learnt today, called 'crowdfunding' whereby one donates a more or less modest amount of cash to help to get a work published. In this case, it is the book Viaje a Las Rapaces by Juan Varela (artist) and Victor Hernández (text) and it is because I like the project, the book content and believe that it deserves support and patrons (ie. yourselves, I've already done my bit) that I support it in this blog.
![]() |
280x300mm, hard back, 128 pages |
'So,' you may ask, 'what has this got to do with me? What can I do to be a patron?'
The answer is that you can do a lot, and start by clicking on this link :
www.verkami.com/projects/5826-publicacion-del-libro-viaje-a-las rapac
Now this is in Spanish but it won't hurt. You must look at the samples of Juan's paintings and take it from me that the text is very good. Look at the project in general, the levels of patronage (mecenazgo) of which there are several. Then go and break open your child's (or grandchild's) piggy bank, go and beg on a street corner or even on the steps of a church, sell the Ferrari or any honest idea which comes to mind as I do not want any corruption in the ornithological world, there's more than sufficient out there as it is.
For me, this book is a must and will be an important addition to my bookshelves and I make it clear now that I am not lending it to anyone, not even Bob Wright! Fork out like I have done and help.
Juan and Victor have 40 days (39 as of today, 4 June) to gather together sufficient money to publish. Which for those whose mathematical knowledge does not extend beyond the 20 digits, which means that you have until 12 July to think, decide and become a patron. Do it, you won't regret it and you'll even feel good!
PS: And very soon, a look at the book Aves de Sierra Nevada, and in the uncertain future a look through the new Zeiss Conquest HD 10x32 binoculars which won't break the bank.
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