On the way down against the light to the canal turn we had brief views of a Squacco Heron, a not common wintering species, plus quite a lot of Grey Herons sitting around looking most unhappy with the state of the universe, not that I can blame them.
We did have good views of 3 of those most elegant little kites, the Black-shouldered, a species which is a delight to see but is often very shy and allows little approach. There were at least 11 Marsh Harriers, including a rather nice adult male and two or three adult females. It is perhaps worth adding at this point that some adult females, the older ones, often show white rather than a pale cream on the forewing and while these may be reminscent of an adult Imperial Eagle, there are other factors including tail colouration and flight silhouette and general jizz. There is a quite well known failing in birders, more so in the less experienced, that when there are two species which share certain similarities, it is always the rarer (and therefore more desirable) which is identified. Not, I hasten to point out, is there meant to be anything derogatory or meant to be construed as such in these remarks, but it is a fact.
Going along by the canal on the way back north, which, by the way, has been drained and is showing a lot of mud, we saw no waders (rather surprising) but 5 Purple Boghens. We also saw both species of Starling and both Spanish Sparrow (males) and House Sparrows. There were a few Skylarks and the occasional flocks of finches, including Goldfinches and Linnets, plus a few Chaffinches, plus a single Song Thrush, but not the numbers that I have seen other winters. Perhaps if the weather was to change further north and a cold spell set in, then we might see a lot more.
There were a few White Storks, but few for the time of year although apparently there are hordes of them getting dirty at the Los Barrios rubbish tip. There were lots of Cranes and there was so much movement that it was impossible to estimate numbers but we think that there would quite easily have been in excess of 1.500 birds and even over the 2.000 mark. However, the sight and sound of these gorgeous birds does make a wonderful background to La Janda, which was at its best in the winter sunshine which got remarkably warm.
So, a daily total of exactly 40 species, of which 7 were birds of prey. Not bad.