23 Sept. : Rambla de Almanzora and Villaricos (Almería)
It was back to our local
patch, the Rambla de Almanzora, today. Gilly and I had already noted
Yellow Wagtails (lavandera boyera)in a roadside meadow before we got to the "ford" meeting
place overlooking the rambla. Barrie and Beryl were already there.
solitary Audouin's Gull (gaviota de Audouin) was on the rocks by the harbour entrance and a
Black-headed Gull (gaviota reidora) was on the shore line. Seeing nowt more we made our
way to the estuary. Usually a mecca for hirundines, but not a single
one. A Grey Heron (garza real) on the water pipe had caught a very large
greyling(?) fish, easily as long as its neck. He kept picking it up
assessing the size of it and his mouth and putting it down away. Kevin
then spotted a Squacco Heron (garcilla cangrejera) on the spit, in fact there were two, together with some Audouin's (gaviota de Audouin),
Yellow-legged (gaviota patiamarilla) and Black-headed Gulls (gaviota reidora). Also seen was a Sandwich Tern (charrán patinegro) and a Turnstone (vuelvepiedras). We moved onto
the beach itself. Barrie spotted a Kingfisher (martín pescador) flying low over the sea.
Three Ringed Plovers (chorlitejos grandes) were also seen.
to the dual carriageway above the "Consum" pools at Vera we were
pleased to see a wide variety of waders. First on the list were Dunlin (correlimos común),
followed by three Greenshanks (archibebes claros) and a Redshank (archibebe común), Kentish, Ringed and Little
Ringed Plovers (chorlitejos patinegro, grande y chico), Black-winged Stilt (cigüeñuela), two or three Ruff (combatiente) and a Wood
Sandpiper (andarríos bastardo). Hot shot Gilly spotted a Wigeon (anade silbón) and also seen were Teal (cerceta común),
Shoveler (pato cuchara) and Mallard (azulón). A couple of Little Grebes (zampullín chico) were spotted. There were
13 Greater Flamingos (flamencos) nearer the supermarket. Unfortunately our resident
reed cutter is in the UK so there were virtually no views into the
smaller pools. I did glimpse a couple of Grey Herons (garzas reales) and a Shoveler (pato cuchara).
In spite of that we saw an incredible 53 species today. A good days birding in good company!
a note from my mother excusing me games next week, so the next report
from Las Norias will be in a fortnight's time. In the meantime, good
21 Sept. : Tarifa - La Janda
Before starting the account of the long awaited and much overdue trip down to Tarifa and La Janda with Federico, a quick comment that according to sources from northern Europe it looks like being a good autumn for Pallid Harriers (aguilucho papialbo), A species which appears to be expanding its range westwards. A juvenile Finnish bird is being satellite tracked and is currently in northern Spain. The daily position appears to be uploaded to the satellite link each evening when the bird is roosting, so herewith the link.
Federico and I
arrived down at the Cazalla observatory,
just outside Tarifa, at around 09.15. It was grey and reasonably windy
but not cold. The first raptors were already moving, Black Kites (milanos
negros), Short-toed (águila culebrera) and Booted Eagles
(águila calzada), a very nice male Marsh Harrier (aguilucho lagunero), a single Osprey (águila
pescadora) and a flock of no less than ca.55 Black Storks (cigüeñas negras), of which we
also saw more during the day. Apparently
last Saturday some 500 Black Storks were
logged migrating south, which is a fair chunk of the western European
population, somewhere in the 15-20% range, I believe.
The cutting of maize had started and ploughing was under
way. Seeing 6 or so Lesser Kestrels (cernicalo primilla) was to be
expected but the bonanza of insects and other creepy-crawlies revealed by the
cutting and plough had attracted a massive number of Cattle Egrets (garcilla
bueyera) and Jackdaws (grajillas) which must have
come in from kms around. Our joint guesstimate was a mínimum of 3.000 and
perhaps as many as 5.000 of the first, and around 800 of the second. Whatever
the numbers, it was an amazing sight.
An unexpected surprise was the sight of 4 Roe Deer (corzos), an adult female with a younger animal and 2 more near adults from their size, galloping across one of the dried fields And all that rather sewed up the day, although we stopped a
few minutes on the way back, watched more Booted
Eagles (águila calzada) and later on Paco of the Cigüeña Negra observatory sent me a
message that we had missed a Rüppell’s
Vulture (buitre moteado)
by 10 minutes. Thus is birding!
16 Sept. Cabo de Gata & Rambla de Morales
Apologies to Dave and all, but for some reason this damned machine put his e-mail report in 'spam' and I've only just seen it. The wonders of modern technology, you'd think it'd recognise mail from Dave by now after all these years.
been nearly three months since the group had ventured down to Cabo de
Gata so we were looking forward to today's trip. Gilly and I picked up
Richard Shropshire from Los Gallardos on the way down. We met up with
the other nine members at the Pujaire cafe. After a quick coffee we
headed for the first hide. We immediately saw our first Marsh Harrier (aguilucho lagunero) of
the day and more were seen later, including one bird setting off out to sea. Scanning the shoreline I spotted 12 Grey Herons (garza real) There were
numerous Shovelers (pato cuchara) together with a few Mallard (azulón) There were one or two
Little Egret (garceta común), an Eurasian Curlew (zarapito real) and a good number of Black-tailed
Godwits (aguja colinegra). Little waders included Ringed (chorlitejo grande) and Kentish Plover (chorlitejo patinegro) and Little
Stint (correlimos menudo). Gilly spotted a Little Tern (charrancito). Hirundines were mostly Barn Swallows (golondrina),
but some Sand Martins (avión zapador) and a Red-rumped Swallow (golondrina daurica) were seen.
seawatch from the beach only produced a Sandwich Tern (charrán patinegro). The high winds
were producing some decent rollers (waves, not birds!). Dave and
Myrtle had already seen some Stone Curlews (alcaravanes) by the time we got to the
second hide. They also pointed out a perched small bird. A juvenile
Woodchat Shrike (alcaudón común). Gilly counted 466 Greater Flamingos (flamencos). A passing walker
kindly put up a Whimbrel (zarapito trinador) and a Southern Grey Shrike (alcaudón real) was spotted.
and Myrtle headed to the shops and Jacky went for a walk so it was
left to the rest of us to go for a coffee in Cabo village before making
our way along the beach side track to the Rambla de Morales, seeing yet more Marsh Harriers (aguiluchos laguneros) on the way. Not many birds were
present with Coots (focha común) and Yellow-legged Gulls (gaviota patiamarilla) Colin was the first to hear a
Zitting Cisticola (buitrón).
view from the public hide was magnificent. Loads of birds. There was a
huge raft of Avocets (avocetas) and Barrie counted nearly 50 Black-necked Grebes (zampullines cuellinegros). There
were numerous Redshanks (archibebe común) together with a few Greenshanks (archibebe claro). The shoreline had
mainly Kentish Plovers (chorlitejo patinegro), but there were some Ringed Plovers (chorlitejo grande) and more Little
Stints (correlimos menudo). Also seen were Sanderlings (correlimos tridáctilo) and a few Knot (correlimos gordo). All at once groups of
waders took to the air. Must be a raptor...a juvenile male Montagu's
Harrier (aguilucho pálido) and yet more Marsh Harriers (aguiluchos laguneros) were seen!
were a small number of Greater Flamingos (flamenco común). Three White-headed Ducks (malvasía cabeciblanco) were also present. Barrie then spotted a single Black Tern (fumarel común) as it patrolled up and
down the very green waters.
Gilly had stayed with the vehicles and got an artistic shot of a Marsh Harrier (aguilucho lagunero) heading out to sea!
then said our goodbyes. As we were in a 4x4 we headed along the track
towards the campsite and added a Gadwall (anade friso) in a pool further down. As we
approached the campsite a flight of 20+ Bee-eaters (abjarucos) flew past.
up with a total of 44 species. Not bad considering we saw hardly and
small land birds. They presumably were keeping their heads down,
sheltering from the wind!
09 September, Sierra de María (Almería)
What can I add to Dave's introduction about the long, hot summer? Not a lot except that according to one evening news met. report, July was the hottest since records began with temperatures of 2.5ºC above the average and as far as I can see the same occurred in August, which was hotter than the gates of hell at times. All this made birding somewhere between extremely uncomfortable and bloody impossible, especially when rounded off by the heavy rain and, in Almería and Granada, heavy rainfall and flooding this week. So, off we jolly well go on another year of birding with Dave and the Arboleas Group. Thanks, Dave!
We headed up to the chapel. Spotted 6 Magpies (urracas) (could do with some gold!) and some Wood Pigeons (paloma torcaz). Phil spotted a dark bird flying along the cliff face of the mountain ridge. I think it was a Raven (cuervo). The water trough was dry so no birds there.
By the Information Centre we spent some time
trying to ID some warblers flitting around in the middle of a holm oak and ended up with Chiffchaff (mosquitero común) and Subalpine Warbler (curruca carrasqueña). By the small pools we
added Chaffinch (pinzón vulgar), Coal Tit (carbonero garrapinos), another Blue Tit (herrerillo común), Willow Warbler (mosquitero musical) and a Serin (verdecillo).
Gilly and Ann hung around the gardens as the rest of us wandered
round the lower walk. Here we saw our first Griffon Vulture (buitre leonado) of the day
as well as a Blackbird (mirlo) and a flock of 60 migrating Bee-eaters (abejarucos). I spotted
a small flock of Red-billed Choughs (chova piquirroja) floating along the mountain ridge.
Returning to the Information Centre we added Goldfinch (jilguero).
An impressive 24
Griffon Vultures (buitres leonados) were using the cliff face to gain height. I
was just saying to Jim the commonest eagles up here were Booted (aguila calzada) when
one flew past. Gilly and Ann were entertained by a couple of young
Iberian Squirrels (ardilla ibérica) playing tag round a pine tree.
Trevor and Ann saw a Jay (arrendajo) as we were heading to the farm buildings. Only
added a Carrion Crow (corneja común) there. Nothing at all at the sheep's water trough
so we motored along the plain. Birds few and far between with only Crested Lark
(cogujada común) and about four Northern Wheatears (collalba gris).
We stopped briefly at the hamlet and were met by another Booted Eagle (aguila calzada) soaring above us. The Lesser Kestrels (cernicalo primilla) presumably well gone. As we made our way back, Gilly spotted a raptor flying slowly over the ploughed fields. A Black Kite (milano negro), uncommon to us up here. Our first for Maria?
We stopped briefly at the hamlet and were met by another Booted Eagle (aguila calzada) soaring above us. The Lesser Kestrels (cernicalo primilla) presumably well gone. As we made our way back, Gilly spotted a raptor flying slowly over the ploughed fields. A Black Kite (milano negro), uncommon to us up here. Our first for Maria?
ate our lunch at the La Piza forest cafe watching Jays (arrendajos), Crossbills (piquituertos) and
Long-tailed Tits (mitos) either taking the waters or the cheesy wotsits
sprinkled by the small pool. Gilly and I also had a Great Tit (carbonero común) after
the others had left.
A really enjoyable day. Ended up with 31 species. Birdspotter of the day...Phil !
18-25 August, Gran Canaria
I like islands as a rule, especially if they have lots of birds, preferably easily accessible in my physical state. I So, in a vain attempt which may best be described as going from frying pan to fire after the hottest July in Spain since records began (no, it wasn't last year), with temps. around 2.4ºC above the mean and with the oldest inhabitants daying that they have never known anything like it, my friend (female) and I hied ourselves off to Maspalomas at the south-eastern end of Gran Canaria. This is not an island renowned for its birding and this wasn't helped by the heat, the god-awful mountain roads (even worse than Madeira) and a general lack of easily accessible habitat. Not a good birding tourist ad., is it?
So what did we see? The basic answer is not a lot (shades of Eric Morecombe!). We stayed in a very nice little bungalow in the huge complex but very spacious and well planned tourist area of Maspalomas. We were visited every morning by one or two extremely flighty Canary Islands Chiffchaffs (mosquitero canario).
There were occasonal visits from a male Canary (the real thing) (canario) and regrettably there were also the now ubiquitous Monk Parakeets (cotorra monje/argentina), although these were outnumbered by the Rose-ringed Parakeets (cotorra de Kramer) (why did they change the name from Ring-necked?). There were considerable numbers of migrant Common Swifts (vencejo común) the first evening there and although numbers varied over the days, with obvious influxes, there were few identifiable Plain Swifts (vencejo unicolor).
We did a 2 hour pelagic, ostensibly in search of dolphins, of which we saw a a couple of pods of Spotted Dolphins (delfín moteado) but not geat views, nowhere as good as in the Strait, and I'd seen and swum with a biggish pod of 50+ of these when I lived on Andros. There were also 3 distant blows from some species of whale, but not Sperm and which may well have been from Bryde's, which the skipper informed were the most likely. as also being the most common in those waters.
The only common seabirds were Cory's Shearwaters (pardela cenicienta) (above) but these were not particukarly cooperative when it came to photos. These were seen from every place and particularly visible in the channel between Gran Canaria and Tenerife. There were very few Yellow-legged Gulls (gaviota patiamarilla), and - big surprise - a juvenile Black-headed (gaviota reidora) (below)! Bet that thrilled you, it didn't me.
There there is a huge protected dune area of some 4 sq. kms at Maspalomas which makes one feel like Lawrence of Arabia when staggering through it and which did my knees no good at all. On the western side of the dunes there is standing fresh water in the form of La Charca de Maspalomas and which we visited twice, both times in late afternoon. The first visit on 19 August produced some 12 Whimbrels (zarapito trinador), which had reduced to 5 by the second on 24 August and was reduced to zero by the time we left as the birds took off in the general direction of Africa as dusk fell. A pair Greenshanks (archibebe claro) remained on both visits, as did 13-14 Kentish Plovers (chorlitejo patinegro) and a single Ringed Plover (chorlitejo grande) which I see is now being called Great Ringed Plover by some, makes me imagine a plover the size of a Moa!, while the second visit also produced 2 Sanderlings (correlimos tridáctilo) one still showing the remains of breeding plumage.
We saw 2 Buzzards (busardo común) in the whole trip, and the best bird was seen at Puerto Mogan whilst my friend was cooling off in the sea. I had taken a coffee and was strolling when there was a bit of a kerfuffle and panic amongst the feral pigeons when an immature Barbary Falcon (halcón tagarote) flew over.
And thus back home, with the first migrant Chiffchaff (mosquitero común) of the the autumn in the garden on 30 August. Otherwise, the action is down in the Strait with records of Rüppell's Vulture (buitre moteado), probably 2, and I am going to try and get down there one day soon and take a look at La Janda. I shall also try and get some info. in the blog from time to time, so if you are totally bored take a shufti - just in case!
Good birding!
So what did we see? The basic answer is not a lot (shades of Eric Morecombe!). We stayed in a very nice little bungalow in the huge complex but very spacious and well planned tourist area of Maspalomas. We were visited every morning by one or two extremely flighty Canary Islands Chiffchaffs (mosquitero canario).
Canary Islands Chiffchaff |
We did a 2 hour pelagic, ostensibly in search of dolphins, of which we saw a a couple of pods of Spotted Dolphins (delfín moteado) but not geat views, nowhere as good as in the Strait, and I'd seen and swum with a biggish pod of 50+ of these when I lived on Andros. There were also 3 distant blows from some species of whale, but not Sperm and which may well have been from Bryde's, which the skipper informed were the most likely. as also being the most common in those waters.
The only common seabirds were Cory's Shearwaters (pardela cenicienta) (above) but these were not particukarly cooperative when it came to photos. These were seen from every place and particularly visible in the channel between Gran Canaria and Tenerife. There were very few Yellow-legged Gulls (gaviota patiamarilla), and - big surprise - a juvenile Black-headed (gaviota reidora) (below)! Bet that thrilled you, it didn't me.
There there is a huge protected dune area of some 4 sq. kms at Maspalomas which makes one feel like Lawrence of Arabia when staggering through it and which did my knees no good at all. On the western side of the dunes there is standing fresh water in the form of La Charca de Maspalomas and which we visited twice, both times in late afternoon. The first visit on 19 August produced some 12 Whimbrels (zarapito trinador), which had reduced to 5 by the second on 24 August and was reduced to zero by the time we left as the birds took off in the general direction of Africa as dusk fell. A pair Greenshanks (archibebe claro) remained on both visits, as did 13-14 Kentish Plovers (chorlitejo patinegro) and a single Ringed Plover (chorlitejo grande) which I see is now being called Great Ringed Plover by some, makes me imagine a plover the size of a Moa!, while the second visit also produced 2 Sanderlings (correlimos tridáctilo) one still showing the remains of breeding plumage.
We saw 2 Buzzards (busardo común) in the whole trip, and the best bird was seen at Puerto Mogan whilst my friend was cooling off in the sea. I had taken a coffee and was strolling when there was a bit of a kerfuffle and panic amongst the feral pigeons when an immature Barbary Falcon (halcón tagarote) flew over.
And thus back home, with the first migrant Chiffchaff (mosquitero común) of the the autumn in the garden on 30 August. Otherwise, the action is down in the Strait with records of Rüppell's Vulture (buitre moteado), probably 2, and I am going to try and get down there one day soon and take a look at La Janda. I shall also try and get some info. in the blog from time to time, so if you are totally bored take a shufti - just in case!
Good birding!
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