
9 June, Sierra de Los Filabres, Arboleas Group

The four of from Arboleas met up with Brian and Mary at the first birding spot, a bridge crossing a stream in a valley behind the village of Tijola. Before we had arrived a Grey Wagtail had been seen together with a few pairs of Crag Martins, which were nesting under the bridge. After we'd had a cup of coffee, the serious birding began. Blue Rock Thrush, Red-rumped Swallow and Wren were all spotted, as was a Kestrel.

On the way up to the copper mine, we ticked off Rock Bunting and Black Wheatear. At the mine itself a pair of
Black Redstarts and fledgling were spotted, together with numerous Rock Sparrows. Unfortunately Mary wasn't feeling too well so she and Brian left for home at this point. I managed to spot a Linnet and some overflying Crossbills.

Getting closer to the Observatory, Mistle Thrushes were seen, as were numerous Northern Wheatears. A Woodlark was spotted. The final bird seen was a Tawny Pipit.

A total of 33 species seen, so not bad.

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