I also saw some of the chaps and girls who had been doing the management work and Bob and co. were suitably happy with what they saw and we all agree that it may well make a big difference to the numbers of wheatears, pipits and other ground feeding passerines which will soon be upon us.
We also ran in to Federico who had not gone back to Cordóba as he had told me last night and who had seen 'good numbers' of Kentish Plovers on the cleared area, although I saw only one or two later on. It was quite a good morning for waders as Little Ringed Plovers have come in quantity and some were making territorial flights and calling. There was also a single Ringed Plover plus a single Redshank and two Greenshanks (heard calling only), several Common Sandpipers and 4 Dunlins, as well as an increase in Black-winged Stilts.
There were also several Black-necked Grebes on the sea, at least 4 if my counting is correct, plus at least 3 more at the laguna Grande and one at the Escondida. I should add that yesterday afternoon, there was a 1W Great Crested Grebe on the river when I was walking the dog. There was a somewhat paler and brownish Little Grebe, certainly paler than the norm, on the río Viejo. There was nothing outstanding in the way of ducks, the Pintails seen earlier in the week having vanished and all the rest was to be expected, although the little male Teals whose hormones are functioning at full blast and the male Shovelers really are beautiful with the sun on them.
Raptors were represented by a single Buzzard, a very dark and nondescript bird I saw on the way out, Kestrels of course, and 2 Marsh Harriers, one a superb male. Passerines were much as for previous visits, with 5 Skylarks seen and there is still a dearth of Chiffchaffs, although this one obliged very nicely, as did this
All in all, a very pleasant morning and I have a total of exactly 38 speacies noted down, although Bob probably has some I have missed.
Tomorrow promises rain, which is much needed and at this moment the TV news is forecasting rain for the weekend.
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