
marked Marbled Ducks

Morning everyone:

Through the medium of Javier Ruiz, who has acted as intermediary, I reproduce (translated) a note from Claudine de le Court of the Environment Agency (Medio Ambiente), on the marking and release of Marbled Ducks (I still call 'em Marbled Teal). If you see any of these marked birds you are not hallucinating but should send details of the sighting to Claudine at the e-mail addreass below. Obviously, such information as place, date and number of birds (marked or not) is vital. Let us see if we can help to cover the dispersal of these birds.

I would be delighted to be able to publish the fact that some of my few rreaders have been able to help, so please copy to me.


On occasión of World Wetlands Day on 2 February, 99 Red-knobbed Coots and 122 Marbled Teal were liberatedfrom Cañada de los Pajaros (Sevilla). The coots were marked with collars but these are of no use for the ducks and therefore it is impossible to gauge the success of the release.

Therefore, in order to be able to identify the birds born in captivity, we have trialled marking some 20 birds with the blue ink used by pigeon owners. These have been marked on the tips of the primaries and tertials and were liberated with the others. We hope to be able to identify and track these birds in the field and would be most grateful for any sightings reported.


Claudine de le Court
e-mail : cdelecourt@agenciamedioambienteyagua.es

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