That said, now for Dave's account of the Arboleas Group's trip to Las Norias and Roquetas.
24 February : Las Norias and Roquetas
Winter hath come at last and heaven knows what damage the low temperatures and strong, cold winds coming down off the sierras will do to the early migrants (I know what they did to me), especially the hirundines and the few early swifts reported, not to mention the thousands of Chiffs which are moving now. The Solitary Sandpiper remains at the same site in Almería where it has been twitched by many, along with up to 12 other spp. of waders reported this week, including Temminck's Stint.
That said, now for Dave's account of the Arboleas Group's trip to Las Norias and Roquetas.
convoyed towards Roquetas adding a couple of Kestrels. After a coffee we
made our way to John and Alan's spot, which, when I read the sign, is
called Punta Entinas Sabinar! From the causeway between the salinas we
observed hundreds of Greater Flamingos and Lesser Black-backed Gulls. On
the wader front we had Redshank, Dunlin, Black-winged Stilt and Black-tailed Godwits. Loads of Shovelers here as well plus a few Shelducks. A
Marsh Harrier made an appearance, but the best sight of the day was a
flypast of about 30 Spoonbills.
That said, now for Dave's account of the Arboleas Group's trip to Las Norias and Roquetas.
The motley crew consisted of
Steve, John, Richard and myself today. We met up at the service
station at Jct 420 E15/A7 motorway just beyond the Roquetas tunnel.
After a coffee we made our way to the Balso del Sapo at Las
Norias....yes it pays to read the signs! The water was as flat as a tack
on both sides of the first causeway. The predominant birds were
Shoveler on the left hand lake. Amongst the large rafts were a few White-headed Ducks. Down the far end perched on the posts were Cormorants and
some Grey Herons. John spotted some distant Red Crested Pochards and a
number of Great Crested Grebes. I added a Common Sandpiper on the rocky
across the road we found both Black-necked and Little Grebe. I spotted
a lone male Gadwall and Richard added a Little Stint. A flock of 20 odd
Avocets flew over. Little birds in this area included Cetti's and
Sardinian Warblers, Zitting Cisticola, White Wagtails, many Chiffchaffs and
some Meadow Pipits. Richard then spotted a juvenile Night Heron on the
reed edge. Steve found some Crag Martins. They were obviously enticed by
the thousands of mosquitoes!
then drove round to the halfway stop. On the rocky outcrop were
numerous Cormorants. We saw Redshank, Black-winged Stilt, Dunlin, a Wood
Sandpiper and at least 20 Little Stints. Richard spotted an Iberian
Yellow Wagtail. I added a Barn Swallow.
found more Yellow Wagtails on the corner meadow and John found another
juvenile Night Heron and I spotted our first Red-rumped Swallow of the
year whilst walking along the second causeway.
We ended up with 47 species. Weather was sunny, but the wind increased from calm to stiff breeze during the morning.
I'm off with Gilly to Morocco for a couple of weeks. Hopefully I'll have some good photos to show you upon our return.
Regards, Dave
20 February : El Fondo (Elche, Alicante)
Sorry, dear readers, but I've not got the time to edit or to put in Spanish names this morning. Apart from the usual thanks to Dave, thanks also to Helen for the photos and congratulations for hitting gold on the Sociable Plover. Up to 3 Spotted Eagles have been seen there over this winter, including the well known Estonian bird 'Tonn'.
Whilst the cat, Gilly, is away
in the UK on a caring job, the mice, John, Val and myself arranged a
personal visit to El Fondo, near Elche, just south of Alicante. Entry to
this reserve via the north gate, which gives the best views, is only
allowed, by prior arrangement, on Saturday mornings between 08.15 &
11.30 hours. Hence it was a very early start yesterday morning. I met up
with John & Val at the Overa Hotel. Jct 547 at 05.45hrs, giving us
time for a second breakfast at Cox before meeting up with Helen, who'd
kindly made the arrangements, at just after 08.00hrs at the north gate.
Whilst waiting for access, we heard Iberian Green Woodpecker and saw
Yellow-legged Gull, Chiffchaff, Grey Heron & Wood Pigeon.
Spotted Eagle |
The ranger
duly arrived (early, bless him!) and let the assembled birders in. I
suppose there were about a dozen of us, mostly Brits, but a couple of
Swiss and Spanish. We drove down to the first hide on the right. With
about 6 of us up there (it was elevated) it was a bit cosy. Local
birders, Graham & Gordon, had already found a Spotted Eagle,
perched on a palm tree way over to the right. In front of us was a reed
bed, then a large expanse of open water stretching out towards the
information centre.
On the water were lots of wildfowl. Mallard, Teal,
Shoveler, Shelduck, Pintail, White Headed Duck, Common & Red Crested
Pochard. Someone also mentioned Wigeon, but none of us saw any. All
three resident grebes were seen, Great Crested, Black Necked &
Little Grebes. We saw our first on many Marsh Harriers seen during the
day. Also saw Common Buzzard, Greater Flamingo & Coot. On the wader
front we saw Black Winged Stilt, Ruff, Dunlin and Black Tailed Godwit.
Some of the latter were seen flying with flocks of Lapwing, which caused
my heart to flutter as a Sociable Plover was also known to be flying
with the Lapwings. Behind us was more reeds and water pools. I spotted
some Purple Swamphen. I also managed to spot the head & neck of a
Great White Egret over to our right.
I'm not good at bird calls, but
luckily Gordon & Graham were. We heard Moustached Warbler amongst
the Reed & Cetti's Warbler singing away in the reeds below us. They
also identified the Water Rail & Little Bittern calls for us. Some
of us were able to see a feeding Penduline Tit. The only hirundines we
saw were Crag Martins. A pair of illegally low flying hot air balloons
caused major panic amongst the birds. Apparently they are not allowed to
fly over at less then 1,200 metres altitude, but these appeared much
lower than that.
Southern Grey Shrike (photo: Helen) |
moved down to the larger elevated viewing platform at the bottom end.
We had good views of Booted Eagles and a pair of Glossy Ibis, but little
else. We returned to the much better first hide. I noted that the
Spotted Eagle had flown. Sure enough it appeared above us. As it was
nearly chucking out time, we made our way back to the north gate. Whilst
waiting for the ranger we added a Robin to the list.
decided to have an early lunch before searching the southern end of the
reserve. We followed Helen round picking up smaller birds like Meadow
Pipit, Linnet, Serin, Iberian Southern Grey Shrike, Black Redstart and
Stonechat. Hoopoe and Kestrel were also seen. We spent a bit of time
overlooking empty meadows, by a abandoned hut where Helen said the
Sociable Plover had been seen. No luck so we ended our tour at the
southern hide. Couldn't actually get to it as the path was under water.
We did see about a dozen Black Necked Grebes & a White Headed Duck.
thanks to Helen for making the arrangements and guiding us round. We
headed off home. Helen hung around for another 4 hours.....this is what
she e-mailed me later! (Some editing done!)
Sociable Plover (photo : Helen) |
"Some pictures of this afternoon (3 lifers today, you brought me luck - mercy beaucoup)
Sociable Plover: I have been waiting on that new path, with the ready
to move in house, a couple of hours and was so lucky with 3 or 4 Iberian
Wagtails, 101 Cattle Egret so close by. Then 1 of the 2 Southern
Shrikes came verrrrrrrry close, telling me: I keep an eye on you.
6 o'clock Lapwings came flying in, smaller groups bit by bit, and a
couple of Golden Plovers. The Lapwings were flying in and out of the
The father and son that were
in El Fondo, parked their car behind mine at one point and there IT
was.( The Sociable Plover) Later on I learned that I could have gone
half the way closer because father and son did so and the Lapwings
Besides my first ever Pintails I also found a couple of Garganey , another lifer.
What a day!"
Patience & commitment pays! What a cracking day. Can't wait to get back there!
For those who don't know, after eleven years of battling by groups, local and international such as Greenpeace, the Spanish supreme court has ruled that the monstrosity of the El Algorrobico hotel on the eastern Almería coast must be demolished. 
This architectural abortion was constructed nearly 20 years ago within the virgin coastal area of the eastern Almería park area to the north of Cabo de Gataafter being given legally doubtful planning permission. Even the Junta de Andalucía, which should have known a hell of a lot better, was against its demolition, although I and many others could never understand their support for its maintenance. Given the recent and continuing corruption scandals within Spain, and which have gravely touched some members of the Popular Party at a national level, some regional administrations, notably Madrid and Valencia, and with Andalucía not untouched, one must be left wondering.
The site can never be returned to exactly the same as before but is at least a blow for the environment and common sense. A small plus is that according to Greenpeace some 98% of the materials are reciclable and its demolition will provide some 400 jobs locally.
This architectural abortion was constructed nearly 20 years ago within the virgin coastal area of the eastern Almería park area to the north of Cabo de Gataafter being given legally doubtful planning permission. Even the Junta de Andalucía, which should have known a hell of a lot better, was against its demolition, although I and many others could never understand their support for its maintenance. Given the recent and continuing corruption scandals within Spain, and which have gravely touched some members of the Popular Party at a national level, some regional administrations, notably Madrid and Valencia, and with Andalucía not untouched, one must be left wondering.
The site can never be returned to exactly the same as before but is at least a blow for the environment and common sense. A small plus is that according to Greenpeace some 98% of the materials are reciclable and its demolition will provide some 400 jobs locally.
17 February : Villaricos & Vera
I know it's only a fortnight
since our last visit here, but that Solitary Sandpiper (andarríos solitario) is still hanging
around, so it was an obvious choice to return there to try and find it.
Val and I had been there last Friday and had success. Steve and I
met up with Val, Rod, Les, Richard, Colin and John at the usual spot
overlooking the ford. We clocked Redshank (archibebe común), Ringed Plover (chorlitejo grande), Green
Sandpiper (andarríos grande), Dunlin (correlimos común), Little Stint (correlimos menudo) and Black-winged Stilt (cigüeñuela) before we drove
further towards Cuevas De Almanzora to the next tarmacked crossover.
There are numerous shallow pools, in which there were numerous waders
feeding. Most prolific were Dunlin (correlimos común), but there were also Ruff (combatiente), Little
Stint and Wood Sandpiper. There were Water Pipits (bisbita alpina) and a few Snipe (agachadiza) and a Sanderling (correlimos tridáctila) were
also seen.
Wood Sandpiper |
We moved up from the crossover onto the
elevated rambla side. Crag Martins (avión roquero) were flying overhead. A single Stone
Curlew (alcaraván) flew off the rambla into the opposite fields. Les then spotted
the Solitary Sandpiper (andarríos solitario) although not everyone saw it before it was flushed by a
passing tractor!
Little birds seen included Linnet (pardillo común), Serin (verdecillo), Chiffchaff (mosquitero común),
Stonechat (tarabilla común), Black Redstart (colirrojo tizón) and Greenfinch (verderón). We carried on further up the
rambla seeing more of the same. Returning to the cars I spotted a
Hoopoe (abubilla). John and Richard, who were the last to arrive, also
picked up Grey Wagtail (lavandera cascadeña) and our first Yellow Wagtail (lavandera boyera)of the year, plus a House Martin (avión común).
a refreshment break in Villaricos village, we made our way to the
beach. There were fewer Cormorants (cormorán grande) on the harbour rocks than before and
the Grey Heron (garza real) still sat there. Moving to the estuary, we added the usual waterbirds. A huge flock of gulls was present, mostly Black-headed (gaviota reidora), but a large number of
Mediterranean Gulls (gaviota cabecinegra) as well, with some coming into breeding plumage. Amongst
the Crag Martins (avión común) were some Barn Swallows (golondrina común) and a single Sand Martin (avión zapador). A
Kentish Plover (chorlitejo patinegro) was seen and Les saw a Great Crested Grebe (somormujo lavanco) out to
we walked back along the beach I spotted a larger wader asleep on
the rocky isthmus which turned out to be the long staying Whimbrel (zarapito trinador). Also
seen were more Kentish Plovers (chorlitejo patinegro) and Colin was the first to see
the Kingfisher (martín pescador) catching fish off the rocks.
We drove
to the dual carriageway at Vera. Here there were numerous Coot (focha común) and
Shoveler (pato cuchara) and small pockets of Teal (cerceta común) as well as a pair of Shelduck (tarro blanco). More Mediterranean Gulls (gaviota cabecinegra) were seen - it's been a
good year for them in this area. An Iberian Southern Grey Shrike (alcaudón real) was
spotted. Some of the group stopped at the far end by the Consum
supermarket. where they saw more ducks and added a
Zitting Cisticola (buitrón).
met up again at the beach-side pool near the Millionaires Bar with four species of gulls and Sanderlings (correlimos tridáctilo).
brilliant day's birding. Weather was eventually kind once the chilling
breeze had warmed up. The pools further up the rambla will be on our
visiting list, although, Rod, who lives nearby says that area is usually
dry. 63 species for the day....numbers are getting bigger!
10 February: Rambla Morales and Cabo de Gata
Before starting off with a delayed report from Dave (my fault, or rather this machine's which refused to copy it), the Solitary Sand. is still in the same place. I should also pint out that whilst some are proposing that it's the same bird seen down here at Málaga last October, I can think of several reasons why not. Also, for those of you in the frozen north, it's colder than charity down here this morning (Monday) with a lazy wind, the sort that goes through rather than round you.
Before I get on with today's report, I'd like to direct you to the Rare Birds in Spain site (
where Andrew Allport has posted fantastic photos of a Solitary
Sandpiper (andarríos solitario) he found in the Rambla de Almanzora on the 4th February. Just
shows you what can turn up....anywhere! Having been feeling particularly
low for some time, I decided to have a twitch down there yesterday as
the bird had been seen still there on Monday. Saw lots of Wood (andarríos bastardo) and
Green Sandpipers (andarríos grande) but alas not the Solitary one!
digress....The winds in Arboleas overnight were horrendous, but being
the boss I knew I still had to make my way with Val to Cabo de Gata. To
be honest, the winds subsided substantially as we headed south. We met up
with a plethora of other group members at the Pujaire plus a friend of
Richard's who was on holiday, Martin from near Minsmere. The water level
was reasonably high, so little chance for smaller waders to find
suitable feeding areas. Of course there were hundreds of Greater
Flamingo (flamenco) plus a few Shelduck (tarro blanco) and Mallard (azulón). There were small groups of
Black-tailed Godwits (aguja colinegra), a Redshank (archibebe común) and some Dunlin (correlimos común). A pink Slender-billed
Gull (gaviota picofina) was easy to identify at a distance. Richard then found what he
thought was a dead Stone Curlew (alcaraván) on the edge of the car park. It was
still alive but obviously in an extremely poor way so it was put out of
its misery. Also seen were Little Egret (garceta común), Southern Grey Shrike (alcaudón real) and
Sardinian Warbler (curruca cabecinegra).
moved on to the beach. Rollers (waves not birds) were crashing onto the
sand. Audouin's (gaviota de Audouin) and Yellow-legged Gulls (gaviota patiamarilla) were seen. At the second hide
we added Grey Plover (chorlito gris), Avocet (avoceta) and a raft of 20-30 Black-necked Grebes (zampullín cuellinegro). I
then spotted movement on the savannah and we were pleased to see about
10 Stone Curlews (alcaraván). A Common Sandpiper (andarríos chico) was seen in the gully. I then
spotted a Wigeon (anade silbón) with some Mallard (azulón). The same one from the 13th January? A
steady stream of Lesser Black-backed Gulls (gaviota sombría) was now passing along the
beach. Also seen were White Wagtail (lavandera blanca) and Stonechat (tarabilla común).
to the public hide we saw 17 Spoonbills (espátulas), two of which were ringed. John
had Greenshank (archibebe claro), Redshank (archibebe común) and Dunlin (correlimos común) on the right hand salina. On the
left hand side we added Cormorant (cormorán grande). Les found 4 Sandwich Terns (charranes patinegros) on the
rocky causeway.
a coffee and tostada break in Cabo village we convoyed along the
beach-side track to Rambla de Morales. The wind had got up. On the water
were more Greater Flamingos together with a mall number of Shovelers (pato cuchara),
Coot (focha común)and Moorhen (gallineta de agua). A single Cattle Egret (garcilla bueyera) was seen as was a flight of
three Golden Plovers (chorlitos dorados). A small flock of pipits, presumably of the
Meadow (bisbita pratense) variety, were feeding on the scrubland. I managed to spot the
first and only Chiffchaff (mosquito común) of the day. A Cetti's Warbler (ruiseñor bastardo) was heard. A
small group of Sanderling (correlimos tridáctilos) and a pair
of Turnstone (vuelvepiedras) was near the estuary.
saying our goodbyes, Val and I headed along the "campsite" track where we
had a Kestrel (cernicalo vulgar) and a Hoopoe (abubilla). Rod, Sandra and Colin who hung around
the beach for their picnic also had a Kestrel (cernicalo vulgar) and some Gannets (alcatraces).
We ended up with 43 species. Not bad considering the weather! But alas no photos.
02-04 February : Doñana
The first day we would go
from Fuengirola to El Acebuche (Hueva) with a look at the sea at Matalascañas,
then to El Rocio where we would roost the two nights away in the Hotel Toruña.
The second day would be taken up with venturing all the way around to get as
far as the Centro José Antonio Valverde and then go as far as posible along La
Escupidera, then back via Dehesa de Abajo, all of which was to prove a rather
long day. The final day, the Thursday, we would have a look at La Rocina and
then, if Ron was sufficiently mobile, we would go as far as El Acebrón,
something we didn’t manage.
1: On the way we saw our
first Black Kites (milanos negros)
of the year with 5 birds near Chuchena (Huelva), but not before I realised that
I had managed to forget to put the big Olympus and telephoto in the car,
leaving me with only the bridge Olympus 820. However, such were the distances
at we were to be functioning, with much telescope work, the bridge was actually
slightly more useful with its greater magnification.
Common Buzzard |
From there it was on to
Matalascañans where the sea gave a good imitation of a mirror, but apart from a
single Sandwich Tern (charrán
patinegro) we did see some 5 Razorbills
(alca común), an increasingly uncommon wintering species in the Málaga Bay
area. By then we had seen something like 15 species in total, which was hardly
sunset El Rocio |
2: To get to the Jose
Antonio Valverde Information Centre, one has to go rather a long way round, at
times through some rather nice pines but where we saw/heard next to nothing in
the few stops we made. However, once out on the track to the Centre from the
paved road, a distance of some 22 kms, the birds started to appear in a
landscaoe which is as flat as a billiard table
and I swear you could just make out the earth’s curvature.
Black and White Storks |
There were plenty of Marsh Harriers (aguilucho lagunero)
seen, mostly females and immatures, but with at lerast two superb males seen
during the day. I had hoped to see more Hen
Harriers (aguilucho pálido) but surprisingly we only saw one, a nice
male. A nice Common Buzzard (busardo común), one of several, allowed at decent photograph instead of a
shot of a rear end disappearing rapidly at low level. Particularly pleasing to
the eye was the sight of several Red
Kites (milano real) with a few of the rather more dowdy Black Kites (milano negro). There were
outnumbered considerably by Ravens
(cuervos) and Magpies (urracas),
particularly in the large área where the sun-dried bones of dead livestock are
mute testimony to the fragility of life, although I must admit that ending up
as Griffon Vulture (buitre leonado)
food hardly appeals, ecological though it be.
Cranes |
Green Sandpiper |
There was a fair wind
blowing and this had concentrated a lot of the ducks and coots at the south
side of the Dehesa lake where the road runs by. The place was solid with Red-crested Pochards (pato colorado)
and after scanning with the scopes we guesstimated some 1.500 in the lakes with
flock after flock scattered over the water, along with a vast number of Coots (focha común), which did not bode
well for Ron who had never seen a Crested
Coot (focha moruna) and which made
the task of finding look like the proverbial needle in a haystack job.
We went up to the centre to
see what was and on the ‘recent sightings’ board someone had put Red-necked Grebe (somormujo
cuellirrojo), a very unlikely record and one that I would be most unlikely to
count. Here some walking was involved in
order to get down to the hides, a trail advertsied as being some 500m but the
longest 500m that I have ever seen! This was not good news for Ron and on the
slow wending way down we saw 4 Thekla
Larks (cogujada montesina) very well and a bit further on, with the advantage of height, we
stopped to scan and lo and behold, I found a collared (release programme) Crested Coot (focha moruna) with 4
other uncollared birds with it. A new species for Ron, which made his day! The
other good bird of the afternoon was a small male Peregrine (halcón peregrino) which flew over unfazed by anything and
then there was a Southern Grey Shrike (alcaudón real) – or whatever they are
being called now with all the proposed splits!
But all was not yet finished, and the last bird of the day was a Short-eared Owl (lechuza campestre)
which flew in front of the car on the way back to El Rocio.
desirable dwellings for White Storks |
further and with El Acebron obviously out of the question, we set tracks for
Dehesa de Abajo with the aim of seeing, if possible, more waders and, hopefully, Marbled Duck/Teal. The
flooded paddy which had yielded so much the previous afternoon only gave a few Lapwings
(avefrías, a single Green Sandpiper (andarríos grande) and 4 Wood
Sandpipers (andarríos bastardos). There were stil massive quantities of Red-crested
Pochards (patos colorados) and included a
rather odd-looking leucistic one which was also seen on Saturday by a
friend from Sevilla. The rest of the birding was rather run of the mill and we
set course for home.
net result? I calculate some 79 species with one significant miss (or dip as
they are known) in the form of Imperial Eagle. At least Ron was very satisfied, I
was reasonably so, and he had at last seen Doñana after around 70 years birding.
03 February: Rambla de Amanzora and Vera
I have been away in Doñana and haven't yet downloaded the few photos that I took, hence Dave's report comes first. Also this afternoon news of a Solitary Sandpiper (andarríos solitario) seen at Almanzora on 04 February, along with a bundle of waders. It may hang around but one can never be sure. The photos of it are stunning. Looks like you really copped out there, Dave!
As for those whi wonder what Gilly's reiki course is, do as I did and look it up. As for me finding myself, I have enough difficulty finding birds and going birding sets me free. And as for freedom, I thought that the answer was divorce. Sorry, Gilly, couldn't resist it.
As for those whi wonder what Gilly's reiki course is, do as I did and look it up. As for me finding myself, I have enough difficulty finding birds and going birding sets me free. And as for freedom, I thought that the answer was divorce. Sorry, Gilly, couldn't resist it.
Gilly was again involved doing her reiki master's course, so I picked up Steve and headed to the Rambla de Almanzora.
we came down from Palomares towards the beach, in full sunshine, we
could see a rolling mass of sea mist coming towards us. We made it to
the rambla's ford seeing Moorhen (gallineta de agua), Green Sandpiper (andarríos grande), Teal (cerceta común), Meadow Pipit (bisbita pratense) and Black-winged Stilt (cigüeñuela) before the mist overcame us reducing visibility to less than 20 m. Barrie and Jan had already arrived and we were joined by Rod,
Colin, Sandra, Richard and John. It was a welcome return for Charlie,
Val and Les, all of whom had been AWOL for months! Obviously
birdwatching there was out of the question so we reversed our normal
route and headed to the dual carriageway opposite the Consum
supermarket. About a kilometre down the road it was clear skies.
were numerous Shoveler (pato cuchara), a few Teal (cerceta común) and the occasional Mallard (azulón) with a Marsh Harrier (aguilucho lagunero) over the far reeds. Above us the were a few Crag
Martins (avión roquero) and a single Barn Swallow (golondrina común). Numerous
Chiffchaffs (mosquitero común) were feeding amongst the shrubs and Blackcaps (curruca capirotada)were also seen. A pair of Little Grebes (zampullín chico) were present and also a Common Pochard (porrón común) and a
Redshank (archibebe común) down the far end.
2nd year Mediterranean Gull |
then headed to the beach-side pool by the Millionaires Bar in Vera
Playa. There were many Black-headed Gulls( gaviota reidora), a few Mediterranean Gulls (gaviota cabecinegra) and
a single immature Yellow-legged Gull (gaviota patiamarilla). Moving up onto the pathway to get
a better view of the reed-bed borders, John was saying about seeing
some Little Bitterns (avetorillo) there previously when, blow me down, I spotted one
in the reeds and Common Pochard (porrón común), Crested Lark (cogujada común), Hoopoe (abubilla) and
Cormorant (cormorán grande) were seen while a Cetti's Warbler (ruiseñor bastardo) was heard.
made our way back to Villaricos village where we took refreshments.
John spotted a Gannet (alcatraz) out to sea. The mists had been burnt away by the
sun so we made our way back to the rambla. Birds were few and far
between. There was a Black-winged Stilt (cigüeñuela) just before the sewage works,
which I must say were ripe today. A Common Sandpiper (andarríos chico) was on one of the
pools while on the main lake edges were three Ringed Plover (chorlitejo chico) and
a Dunlin (correlimos común). Les also saw a Short-toed Lark (terrera común). Returning to the ford, where
there was actually water across the road for a change but we saw
only common species, while Les observed a Thekla Lark (cogujada montesina). As we were
pulling out of the parking area a Grey Heron (garza real) flew by and we
saw another one on the rocks by the harbour amongst numerous Cormorants
(cormoranes grandes) and a pair of Turnstones (vuelvepiedras). At the estuary there were hundreds of Black-headed Gulls (gaviota reidora) and a
single Lesser Black-backed Gull (gaviota sombría). There was a single Shoveler (pato cuchara) and a Snipe (agachadiza común). There were few
waders, only Sanderling (correlimos tridáctilo), Dunlin (correlimos común) and a Kentish Plover (chorlitejo patinegro). Walking
back along the beach there was a resting flock of 17 Sandwich Terns (charrán común) on
the rocks and I spotted a Grey Plover (chorlito gris) which was joined by the resident
Whimbrel (zarapito trinador). Les discovered the Audouin's Gull (gaviota de Audouin) to end our bird list for the
day. A respectable 55 species, considering the poor start, a good day's
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