Before going on to Dave's report on the Arboleas group visit to Siearra de María, Richard Howard has written from Murcia with two bits of information as follows:
(1) Richard has a blogspot also which covers the Cartagena area and will be very useful for those of you who live that way on, and (2) with regard to the reservoirbirds page which was given by Dave in the last Almería report, Richard has pointed out that it can be read in English by clicking on the little Union Jack. Many thanks for the info., Richard.
probable female Spectacled Warbler |
All sorts of first annual records are being reported, I had my first European Turtle Dove last week at Fuente de Piedra and several more were seen the same day at various sites in Andalusia; the first Red-necked Nightjar has been seen in Granada, the first Spotted Flycatcher along the río Fuengirola (more of that in my next report), a possible Greenland race Northern Wheatear has been seen and yesterday (17/04) Bob Buckler and a Wildwings tour group he was leading saw a Broad-billed Sandpiper - a very rare species here in Spain - at Odiel (Huelva), close to the information centre; there is video of it here . There seem to be plenty of Wood Sandpipers around this spring, almost more than Green Sandpipers at plenty of sites. Now on to Dave's report. By the way, Dave, I go more for Spectacled rather than Whitethroat, pity we can't see the wings better and the image is slightly blurred.
The weather forecast looked good, so, having
picked up Tony and Kas, Gilly and I drove to María where we met up
with Rod, Linda, Brian, Mary, Alan and John. After a coffee at the
Garage Cafe we made our way up to the Chapel seeing a Woodchat Shrike
and a pair of Cirl Buntings on the way. We had a wander and added
Blackcap, Corn Bunting, Jay and Mistle Thrush to the list before
ascending towards the Botanical Gardens. A small number of Griffon
Vultures glided effortlessly along the mountain ridge. Linnet and
Chaffinch were among the bushes. A very vocal Coal Tit eventually flew
to a low wall where its nest was. As we reached the information centre a
Woodlark serenaded to us from the top of a pine tree.
Hawfinch |
A pair of Long-tailed Tits were interested in
the small man-made pool. We also saw Serin, Subalpine Warbler and
Great Tit. We had good views of another summer visitor, Bonelli's
Warblers. All of us, apart from Gilly, who had back pains, did the
medium walk. Not much around but a Firecrest and a Melodious Warbler
were excellent. Gilly meanwhile had been pleased to see nest building
Short-toed Treecreepers in the pine tree next to her resting place. On the
way back we saw a a warbler skulking some distance away at the bottom of
a bush. You can see the photo. Is it a Spectacled Warbler or a
Whitethroat? I'm sure the font of all avian knowledge will confirm its
identity. After much scrutiny in Collins at the car we thought it was a
Spectacled Warbler. The only sound it made was a short grating call.
Looking at the photo and its chunky shape I'm more inclined towards a
female Whitethroat.
Short-toed Lark |
We then headed towards the plain, stopping off
at the farm buildings on the way. As we were about to leave Tony spotted
a high soaring Booted Eagle. Carrying on down we spotted Rock Sparrow and Northern Wheatear near to the water trough. John glimpsed a
Roller, but it disappeared. Not seen one yet this year! By the plain
roadside we saw Calandra Lark. I spotted a Short-toed Lark. I was very
pleased that all the others saw a small flock of them feeding on the
ground near the hamlet. There, we also saw at least three Lesser
On the way back got photos of obliging Short-toed Lark and Corn Bunting. We stopped for lunch at the La
Piza restaurant with Crossbills calling above us as they waited to drink
from the depostito. Tony then spotted a Hawfinch feeding on fresh
leaves in a tree only metres away from us. It stayed for a good five
minutes. We also saw a Common Buzzard.
Rod, Linda, Mary and later Brian went off to
look at orchids as the rest of us, guided in the right direction by
Brian, headed to the Vulture Feeding Station. A few
Griffon Vultures could be seen. Kas spotted acrobatic Red-billed Choughs
beside the "Grandmothers Molar" Mountain. We also saw Black-eared
46 species for the day. Weather great. What more could you ask for? Oh yes, saw a Roller on the way home!
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