Returning birders, Barrie and Beryl, requested we visit the Sierra de Maria this week. No
objections from me! Gilly and I picked up Spyros and Pat and we
headed for our usual meeting point in Maria. We were met there by ten
other members. After a coffee we made our way to the chapel. Almost
immediately we could hear Golden Orioles calling from around the tall
poplar tree but alas no sighting. A family group of Woodchat Shrikes
were hanging around one of the large bushes. I spotted a male Golden
Oriole flying towards the trees to the right. We walked slowly towards
the Botanical Garden checking the mountain ridge for Griffon Vultures.
Eventually we managed to see at least 6 individuals. The weather was
changeable. Sun, clouds and a stiff breeze.
Gilly and Adrian, both with
dodgy knees decided they'd stay near the information centre as the rest
of us trundled round the medium walk. Birds were few and far between,
but we managed to get Bonelli's, Subalpine and good views of Melodious
Warblers. We heard but unfortunately didn't see Western Orphean Warbler.
Barrie saw a Firecrest. Also seen were Rock Bunting, Blackbird and
Robin. We got back to Gilly and Adrian and discovered they'd seen
almost as much as us including a Short-toed Treecreeper, Coal and
Great Tit and Serin. They stationed themselves near a little man-made
pool and both got good photos. As we were leaving a coachload of school
children shouted their arrival.
Dark clouds were coming in
from the west. As we drove towards it began to rain. We aborted the farm
building stop and drove to the water trough area. Here we disturbed a
Northern Wheatear on arrival. In the trees we spotted a single Turtle
Dove and some Rock Sparrows. We convoyed down the plain seeing Carrion
Crow, Calandra, Crested and Short-toed Larks. A Little Owl showed well. A
Hoopoe was also seen. At the hamlet 4 or 5 Lesser Kestrels were seen.
It was then back to the La
Piza forest cafe for lunch. Sitting inside we did see Chaffinch, Blue
Tit and Jay through the windows. One of the owners showed us a photo
on his phone of a Hawfinch in the hand. It had collided with one of the
windows and thankfully had flown off with no ill effects. The arrival of
three coachloads of kids ended a reasonable days birding. 40 species in secretary failed to count properly but her photography's
getting better!
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