I actually saw more ducks, geese and swans than I thought that I would and, in fact was very very lucky. David knows all the places to go and we did! Places of especial interest included the University of Brisbane Agricultural College which has a very good and highly productive lake. Apart from the ducks photographed and shown below, other species seen included
Plumed Whistling Duck,
Australian Wood Duck,
Australasian Shoveler and
Chestnut Teal, giving a total of no less than 14 species of Anatidae. The usual problem was distance and on one day the lack of decent light, very grey, whilst on one or two more it was the heat haze, the strictures also applying to the next section of this series of blogs which will be devoted to crakes, herons and ibises with one or two other loosely related species thrown in, which is why I make no apologies for starting with the
White Pelican.
White Pelican |
Black Swans |
Magpie Goose |
Magpie Geese with goslings |
Pacific Black Duck |
Australian Wood Duck |
Grey Teal |
Hardhead |
Wandering Whistling Duck |
Pink-eared Ducks (2 photos) |
Whilst quite a few of the ducks were new species, if I had to choose I think that the
Pink-eared Ducks shown above, along with the
Wandering Whistling Ducks, were the stars in this group.
2 comentarios:
Your "Silver Gulls" look exactly the same as the "Red-billed Gull" just over the water in New Zealand. Is the same bird but with each country having its own local name?
Silver and Red-billed are the same species. Different countries, different names, same species.
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