03 September : Sierra de María
As Dave so rightly says, feels like school is back. However, I am posting this at 04.30 on Thursday morning as I'm flying up to Bilbao at 7 and then having 3 days at sea, so forgive any faults as my brain isn't supposed to be awake at this time of day at my age (or at any other, but those days are long gone!) and the coffee hasn't yet penetrated the neaarly impenetrable depths. So, herewith the new season from Dave, Gilly and the Arboleas Group.
It felt like the first day back
at school as Gilly and I headed up to meet the gang at the Sierra de
Maria after a planned break for summer. Arboleas, where we live, has
not, apart from some insignificant showers, had any real rain since
Christmas Day! Yes, it's still oppressively hot here, hence our cooler
destination today. We all met up at the Maria garage cafe for a
pre-birding coffee. A good turn out. 19 of us as House Martins flew
above and below the garage canopy. We drove up towards the chapel,
stopping briefly to observe our first Spotted Flycatcher of the day.

After parking, a scan of the mountain ridge revealed at least six
sitting Griffon Vultures. Between them and us was a constant swirl of
hirundines, mostly Red-rumped Swallows, but a few Barn Swallows and a
Sand Martin. We wandered round to the water trough. It was alive with
birds. Both Pied and Spotted Flycatchers, Subalpine Warbler,
Chiffchaff, Rock Bunting, Black Redstart, Serin and Great Tit. The
star though was an obliging Western Orphean Warbler which stayed visible
for everyone to see. A Goldfinch and Hawfinch were also seen. We
trudged up to the Botanical Gardens. It was still 25ºC so a chilled water
in the Information Centre was very welcome. Numerous birds were
attracted to the small pools. Great and Coal Tits, Rock Bunting,
Chaffinch and Crossbill. Overhead Bee-eaters could be more heard than
seen. Up to 25 Griffon Vultures could be seen flying over the mountain
ridge. Some of the group stayed round the garden as we others did the
lower walk. I think we only added a Jay to the list whilst the garden
stayers were treated to a continual feed of thirsty birds.
We then
convoyed down towards the plain apart from Brian and Mary who lived
the closest and knew what a bird free area it was. We saw a Carrion Crow
near the farm buildings, some Rock Sparrows by the water deposit, a
passing Hoopoe and on the plain itself two Northern Wheatears and a
Crested Lark! So it was back to the La Piza forest cafe to join Brian and Mary for lunch. Here a small man-made shallow pool near the picnic
tables had Crossbill, Chaffinch, Great Tit , Coal Tit, Crested Tit and Long-tailed Tit all visiting. Also seen were Green Woodpecker,
Melodious Warbler, Pied Flycatcher and Short-toed Treecreeper. And to
top it off we saw a Short-toed Eagle on our way back to Maria. It was a
great days birding in great company. 39 species in total.
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