
16 December : Villaricos & Vera

For those who are going to the sierras over Christmas and New Year, and in particularly to Sierra de las Nieves and the Sierra Morena, eyes open for plenty of Bramblings (pinzón real) appearing, plus apparently larger than normal numbers of Goldcrests (reyezuelo sencillo), as well reports today of Fieldfare (zorzal real) and Redwing (zorzal alirrojo).
Many thanks for the best wishes for the New Year to you too, Dave, Gilly and all members of the Arboleas Group. Also the same good wishes to all those who have the temerity to read my drivellings (Dave's are whole different ball game!). And one wish especially : Good Birding in 2016!! 
This being our final official outing of 2015 we decided to keep it local. Gilly and I made our way down towards the Rambla de Almanzora. We drove down the Palomares side of the rambla which gave us views above the small pools below. In one a very obliging Common Snipe (agachadiza común) posed well for Gilly to get a decent photo. By the time we got to the meeting place, across the "ford" to the Villaricos we'd also seen Mallard (azulón), Magpie (urraca), Moorhen (gallineta de agua), White Wagtail (lavandera blanca) and Spotless Starling (estornino negro). 
We met up with the other 7 members, including the welcome return of Carolyn Perkins, who, for the second year, had spent spring, summer and autumn on Easdale Island, near Oban, Scotland assisting with boat trips to see the whales, dolphins and other wildlife including White-tailed Eagles (pigargos). (No, we're not jealous at all!). John spotted the female Blue Rock Thrush (roquero solitario) on the factory site opposite. A Kestrel (cernicalo vulgar) was seen. We walked up towards the sewage works, adding Sardinian Warbler (curruca cabecinegra), Greenfinch (verderón), Chiffchaff (mosquitero común), Black Redstart (colirrojo tizón) and House Sparrow (gorrión comun). I spotted a Northern Starling (estornino pinto) on the power line. 
As we approached the sewage works a Green Sandpiper (andarríos grande) was flushed from a pool below us. A Common Sandpiper (andarríos chico) was near one of the pools. On the rambla I spotted a Grey Wagtail (lavandera cascadeña) near the little waterfall. I glimpsed a brown-backed bird skulking in the shrubs. I was hoping for a Bluethroat, but it turned out to be a Robin (petirrojo). On the side large pool there were Ringed Plover (chorlitejo grande), Dunlin (correlimos común) and three Curlew Sandpipers (correlimos zarapitín). Also seen were Stonechat (tarabilla común), Serin (verdecillo), Little Ringed Plover (chorlitejo chico), Little Egret (garceta común) and Crested Lark (cogujada común). Cetti's Warblers (ruiseñor bastardo)were heard. A check of the "ford" pool only produced Moorhen (gallineta de agua), Mallard (azulón) and three more Common Snipe (agachadiza común).
We adjourned to the cafe in Villaricos village before heading to the beach. The rocks outside the harbour added Grey Heron (garza real), Cormorant (cormorán grande), Sandwich Tern (charrán patinegro) and a Mediterranean Gull (gaviota cabecinegra), well spotted by John. Alan saw the Whimbrel (zarapito trinador) first and Kevin added Sanderling (correlimos tridáctilo). We walked over to the estuary, but only added Little Grebe (zampullín chico) to the list. Getting closer to the sea we found 5 young Greater Flamingos (flamenco común) were present, On the shoreline we had Kentish Plover (chorlitejo patinegro), Sanderling (correlimos tridáctilo), Dunlin, (correlimos común) Turnstone (vuelvepiedras) and Little Stint (correlimos menudo). Someone (sorry, can't remember who) managed to spot the head of a Grey Plover (chorlito gris) amongst the rocks (it did have a live body with it!). On the water we also had Lesser Black-blacked, Yellow-legged, Audouin's and Black-headed Gulls (gaviotas sombría, patiamarilla, de Audouin y reidora). A few Crag Martins (aviones roqueros) flew over.
We made our way to the dual carriageway overlooking the shallow pools opposite the Consum supermarket in Vera Playa. We only added Teal (cerceta común) and Shoveler (pato cuchara) There were another 9 young Greater Flamingos (flamenco común).
Good weather, good company, good birding. 48 species in all.
Wishing all our members and readers of Andy Paterson's blog, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Good birding in 2016.
Please note: Records of pink gulls flying around on New Year's Day will NOT be accepted.

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