
(1) Guadalhorce today (2) Fuente de Piedra today

(1) Guadalhorce today : A quick spin around the Guadalhorce ponds this morning in search of waders and desperately hoping to get around before the rains came down, which they did in copious quantities all over me, gave a total of 13 spp. of waders, including 2 Grey Plovers and 2 super breeding plumage Little Stints and superb breeding plumage Knot It looks like the pair of Avocets are settling down to the breed, a first for the reserve, and the female was well bedded down and the male is wearing colour rings - I must try and find out from where it has come.

(2) Fuente de Piedra today : Gonzalo Lage (in naturAnd and avesforum) and three more from SEO-Málaga visited the lake today and amongst the species of greater interest, 2 Temminck's Stints (fairly normal at this time of year), a female Ferruginous Duck (!), a lateish male Garganey, a single Lesser Flamingo and a single Black-shouldered Kite.

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