
TARIFA BIRD FAIR, 18-21 September

A bit of advertising today, this for the first Tarifa Bird Fair, translated from the Fundación Migres web site:


The first Tarifa International Bird Fair will take place between 18-21 September and hopes to bring together as many as 5.000 birders from Spain and other countries with a long tradition of bird watching, such as Great Britain, France, Holland, the Baltic countries and Germany.

Tarifa is one of the most important points in Europe for birds and 30 million cross the Strait of Gibraltar twice a year. Because of this ornithological importance, the Fair has the collaboration of organisations such as WWF/ADENA and SEO/BirdLife, as well as the Rutland Bird Fair which is considered to be most important bird fair in the world. In addition, other local groups and organisations from the area, such as the Colectivo Ornitológico Cigüeña Negra are also taking part.

The organisation is being carried out by Plegadis and a total of 110 stands is expected, these to be on a site of 1.2 hectares in front of Los Lances beach. These will house wildlife and leisure tourist companies, and especially those which offer material for and allied to the observation of birds: photographic and optical material, clothes, books and magazines, etc..

Together with the Fundación MIGRES, also taking part in the organisation and promotion of the Fair are the departments of the Environment, Tourism and Sports, Science and Business of the Junta de Andalucía regional government, as well as the Town Hall of Tarifa, the Cádiz province county council, the Sub-department of the Government for the Campo de Gibraltar and the Rural Development Group for the Alcornocales park.

And if you really like punishment, come and hear me spout some drivel about birding on the Saturday afternoon! I'll put in updates as and when I know something about it.

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